Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 112

In the room, Fang woke up with an open face.

"Since the former Song Dynasty, literati governance has become a habit. You can\'t deny it?"

Fang Xingxian threw out a question. Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "indeed, the former Song Dynasty even really shared the world with scholar bureaucrats."

"What happened then?"

Fang Xing asked faintly. There is no need to answer this question.

In the Song Dynasty, the literati and bureaucrats shouted that they shared the world, but they finally buried the world of the great song dynasty.

"In Mengyuan, do those Han officials dare to shout about the common world? Under the temptation of the official position, these literati soon followed master Mengyuan proudly, even if they were slaves!"

Hearing Fang Xing sneering at the literati again, Zhu Zhanji had to listen uneasily.

"But when Mengyuan perished, some people said something complacent. Look, you Mengyuan didn\'t reuse civil servants. You really lost!"

Zhu Zhanji was interested and asked, "what about this dynasty?"

Fang Xing said boldly, "I can\'t compare with the former Song Dynasty!"

Zhu Zhanji disagreed with this. He argued, "brother Dehua, the official administration of this dynasty is much better than that of the previous Song Dynasty. Moreover, those civil servants are also obedient. How can they repeat the mistakes of the previous Song Dynasty?"

Fang woke up with a smile and said, "that\'s because emperor Taizu Gao killed many corrupt officials and was afraid of killing them, so it has benefited now."

"Taishun, believe me, the readers of the Ming Dynasty will become a huge interest group. Even the emperor can\'t compete with them."

Zhu Zhanji was shocked. Fang Xing continued:

"When this interest group takes shape, the downfall of Daming has been doomed, and there is no hope of turning over!"

Fang Xing\'s attitude was so firm that after he went out, Zhu Zhanji was still thinking about the following words.

"... Daming has three evils. First, the scholars who hold together will corrode Daming\'s body little by little; second, the eunuchs indulged by the king. They are not the opponents of scholars. Most of them are greedy and can\'t be the spokesman of the king..."

Looking at Fang Xing\'s back, Zhu Zhanji thought of the third.

"The third is the low status of soldiers, even lower than that of the former Song Dynasty. Civil servants regard them as Dalits. Finally, they have no military heart and respect the generals, which is almost the same as the private army..."

"Check the rise and fall of the previous dynasty, see how the civil service system has changed, and how the army has degenerated. Check everything, and then try to find out the rules."

Some words Fang woke up and didn\'t dare to say, so he asked Zhu Zhanji to find the answer himself, then reflect and find a solution.

Looking at the sergeants who were not disordered by firecrackers, Fang woke up and sighed, "it\'s a long way to go!"


Zhu Zhanji, who unexpectedly returned to the capital, just met his parents, and then plunged into the vast books of the royal family. For several days, the crown prince and his wife couldn\'t figure out what he was doing.

The Crown Princess simply took wan wan to find him. As a result, she saw a grandson who was absorbed in reading.

"Zhanji, what are you doing?"

The Crown Princess felt a little strange in her heart. The king of Han who was ordered to read behind closed doors was released, but her son fell into a pile of old papers.

Zhu Zhanji looked up in the book and said, "mother, brother Dehua gave me an interesting question. I\'m looking for the answer!"

Wan Wan heard it and said, "brother, Fang Xing is mine."

As a sister, I always have privileges, and I don\'t need to call my brother.

Zhu Zhanji was stunned, and then laughed with the crown princess.

The Crown Princess lowered her head, touched Wan Wan\'s soft head and said with a smile, "OK, Mr. Fang is yours."

Zhu Di, who was far away in Peiping, also received information from the capital and letters from Zhu Zhanji.

"Want to come back? Ha ha!"

Zhu Di burst into laughter, then waved the letter paper in his hand and said with a smile, "emperor TAISUN has just arrived in the capital and wants to come back soon."

Yang Rong on the side also smiled and said, "Your Highness, you miss your majesty. You knew you shouldn\'t go back. Can\'t you practice martial arts with your majesty?"

Zhu Di was even happier when he heard the speech. He took the initiative to explain to Zhu Zhanji: "Zhanji can decide for the first time. How can he stand it."

"Your Highness seems to need your Majesty\'s instruction!"

Yang Rong said with a smile, which really aroused Zhu Di\'s pride.

"Zhan Ji has followed me since childhood. He is skilled in bowing and horse. I don\'t know that Fang Xing may satisfy him."

Yang Rongshan was good at breaking things, and his military strategy was deeply trusted by Zhu Di, so when he heard the speech, he said: "Your Majesty, Fang Xingchen has heard of it. He is also a young hero. If he is only used for military training, he has nothing to say."

Zhu Di looked at the information sent by the royal guards. Eh, he handed it to Yang Rong.


After reading the ten lines at a glance, Yang Rong meditated for a moment and said with surprise: "this Fang woke up, which was beyond his expectation. Unexpectedly, he had some military strategies and knew to practice military discipline and formation first."

Zhu Di was also a little surprised. He didn\'t expect that Fang Xing, a scholar, would dare to fall out with the military headquarters and train the soldiers vividly.

"One of the soldiers, however, is to dare to take the word first. Fang woke up and got some essence. I don\'t know whether it was a mistake."

Of course, fierce people such as Zhu Di know the way of military training, so they pointed out Fang Xing\'s key to the point.


"Be brave and fearless! Whether it\'s a knife, a gun or a horse\'s hoof, you have to rush up to me when the military order comes!"

Fang Xing stood in front of the queue and looked at the ten hundred people teams standing neatly. He said, "when you get to the battlefield, once the front team retreats, the rear team can be cut! The rear team retreats, and the supervisor team can be cut!"

"On the battlefield of blood and fire, only the brave can live to the end, obtain merit and wealth! And the timid will not die under the knife and gun of the enemy and the supervisor team, but also die on the road of escape. Therefore, I hope you can be brave!"

Fang\'s words echoed on the training ground. With fat pork in one hand and machetes in the other, these sergeants know what to do and what not to do.

Zhu Zhanji appeared haggard, but his eyes were bright.

"Start practicing!"

Fang Xing stepped back, gave the place to Xin Laoqi, and then met Zhu Zhanji.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji\'s appearance, Fang Xing couldn\'t help laughing: "I said what\'s the matter with you? Won\'t you be beaten up by the crown prince?"

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t smile, but walked side by side with Fang Xing.

"Brother Dehua, I have taken a general look at the administration of officials and the army of the previous dynasty these days. It is found that the problems are all in the middle and late stage. Even the emperor is ignorant, leading to national chaos..."

Fang Xing listened with a smile. After he finished, he said with satisfaction: "yes, but we have to continue to look for rules and examine the role of each class in this chaotic cycle."

When Zhu Zhanji heard the speech and wanted to go back, Fang woke up and hurriedly said, "it\'s not urgent. You have to look for it slowly. You not only have to look for it in the pile of old papers, but also have to compare the current situation of Ming Dynasty and the gains and losses in economy and agriculture at that time and now. Only by combining the two can you find that law."