Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 113

"Dang Dang!"

The manufacturing speed of fireguns is not slow, especially after Fang Xing cut the process and asked the carpenter to complete the subsequent installation, more than 300 fireguns have been stacked in the warehouse.

Fang woke up to see the results, so he waved his hand and killed a big fat pig that day.

Today\'s military camp is very hot. At lunchtime, everyone is not calm when they smell the taste of Chinese cabbage and pork.

Fang Xing didn\'t get involved and took Zhu Zhanji to fangjiazhuang.

Little princess Wan Wan was studying the ant cave with big girl at the door. When she saw them, she rushed over with a shout of joy.

"Wan Wan, did you find the queen ant?"

Fang Xing provides Wan Wan with a new way to play and look for the queen ant.

Wan Wan\'s little face was covered with dust. She shook her head in frustration and said, "No."

"Then keep trying."

After Zhu Zhanji saw Wan Wan, the whole person was much gloomy.

"Don\'t think about it. As a child, teach more in the future. By the way, you can\'t forget his mind."

Zhu Zhanyong is still studying, and his daily time is filled with courses. It is said that even the students of the Imperial College praised him for his appearance as a virtuous king.

Zhu Zhanji hasn\'t seen his brother since he came back. Now after seeing his sister, the anger in his heart surged up again.

"Brother Dehua, you don\'t know that none of the children born in the imperial family is simple."

Fight for power and profit!

Fang woke up and nodded to the welcoming students, and then the class began.

Everyone was a little surprised and happy about Zhu Zhanji, a "senior brother" he had never met, and even took a peek from time to time during class.

This is Huang TAISUN!

I have a class with Huang TAISUN. The ancestral grave is really smoking.

Fang Xing is now very skilled in teaching. He is currently compiling a set of teaching materials, and he has some eyebrows.

This set of textbooks refers to some textbooks and books found in the warehouse and is divided into three levels.

The first level is primary school students, and the second level is probably junior high school students. As for the third level, Fang Xing is still suffering.

In fact, at level 2, Fang Xing was a little nervous. At Level 3, he estimated that he could only teach some, and then let the students understand it by themselves.

The four officials and students heard that they were very proud in the Department recently. At that time, when selecting people to study, the high-level ones were unwilling to lose face, and the low-level ones thought it was a waste of time.

When these four people went to study half out of work, many people held the mentality of watching jokes, but this situation has changed recently.

"Teacher, disciple recently revised the report of the household department to enhance comparability. Even Shangshu said to make the report according to this method in the future."

Yao Ping is very busy recently. He not only wants to study in fangjiazhuang, but also has made some small reforms after he goes back to do his job well.

Fang Xing patted Yao Ping on the shoulder and praised him: "yes, this is an example of flexible learning and use. You should all learn well."

When the other three were discouraged to see Yao Ping take the lead, they also secretly decided to go back and investigate. They must make a more brilliant report card than Yao Ping.

"There are many opportunities to learn, but you should be able to apply what you learn. This is a good student."

Fang Xing decided to take Yao Ping as a model to boost the students\' interest.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhanji had some ideas in his heart. When he went back, he consulted with the prince.

"You said to let Mr. Fang open a college?"

Zhu gaochi lifted his head from the memorial, looked at his expectant son, shook his head and said, "no, have you ever thought that Mr. Fang has given up the imperial examination and turned to teaching miscellaneous studies, which has dissatisfied many scholars!

If he really opened a college, it would be the target of public criticism! "

"The key is that you will also be angry, okay?"

Zhu gaochi\'s political ability was not boasted. Zhu Zhanji just opened his mouth. He immediately found out the loopholes in it.

"You said that Huang TAISUN was following the whole family to learn acrobatics?"

In the Imperial College, the gray haired Qin class of the Imperial College was asking his students.

"Yes, sir."

The standing student\'s name was Yu Jian. He said angrily: "that Fang Xing is just a great achievement, but he gave up my name teaching and didn\'t spread the great meaning, but he taught those miscellaneous studies in fangjiazhuang. It\'s really wrong for people\'s children!"

Qin ban was angry. He scolded bitterly: "this son ruined my famous religion!"

Yu Jian\'s eyes flashed with pride, then pretended to be at a loss and said, "teacher, it\'s just a few students. You praise that party too much. Are you awake?"


Qin ban, while tidying up his clothes, taught, "you don\'t look at who among the students. That\'s the foundation of the country! Once the foundation is addicted to miscellaneous studies, I\'ll be in danger!"

"Let\'s go and call a few people. I want to see what\'s good about that miscellaneous school today. Your Highness has forgotten it!"

Soon, more than 100 people poured out of the Imperial College. After Qin ban saw the large number of people, he was worried that something would happen and controlled it. Otherwise, there would have to be at least seven or eight hundred people.

"Bang bang!"

The training ground was filled with gunsmoke, and rows of soldiers were firing in a deafening voice.


"Bang Bang..."

The leading hundred families waved their sabers and roared at the top of their lungs.

"Bang Bang..."

The array of twenty people kept spraying lead bullets, splashing the earth and rock hit by a wall in front.

"Parallel array in units of 100 households!"

At the command, the queue began immediately. A row of array is a hundred people, and ten rows of queue look vast and breathtaking.

Fang woke up and looked at the time, frowned and said, "the speed is still a little slow. If the formation changes so slowly when facing the enemy, those cavalry will rush to the front!"

Xin Laoqi said, "young master, we still have to practice until they can change accurately with their eyes closed."

Zhu Zhanji was already excited by the changes in the battle. He said excitedly, "brother Dehua, our army still has cavalry to protect both sides during the battle! There is plenty of time to change the battle."

And the battles on the grassland have always been infantry defense and cavalry charge.

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "we are the commander-in-chief of firearms. We can\'t hide behind to watch the play, so we should have complete responses, changes and plans."


Zhu Zhanji felt that he had learned a new term.

"Bang Bang..."

More intensive gunshots sounded, and a wind came, enveloping Fang Xing\'s several people in the smoke of gunpowder.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji were choked to a dry cough and hurried to one side.

"Bang Bang..."

There are 100 people in each row, and ten rows rotate. The fierce firepower makes everyone smile.

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "the number is still a little small, so he can\'t bear the heavy responsibility of frontal attack."

If the number is too small, this person can\'t stop when facing a large number of enemy cavalry.

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "brother Dehua, you underestimated the fire gun. I remember when Grandpa Huang was on the northern expedition, the Shenji camp scared away many enemies."

People can be afraid of guns, but animals can\'t. As long as they are frightened by the dense gunfire and smoke, the horses will stop and even run around.