Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 111

Although Zhu Zhanji\'s voice was small, he couldn\'t stand it. At this time, he was in front of the array, so soon everyone knew the origin of Fang Xing.

"Your Highness TAISUN calls him brother Dehua. Tut tut! This is really great!"

"Nonsense! Otherwise you think a white body can practice us?"

"It all depends on the background these days. If we don\'t have a background, we can only strive for meritorious service."


"Keep practicing!"

"咵 咵 咵!"

The sergeants carrying wooden sticks continued to listen to the orders and walked in unison, while Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji had arrived at the "office".

The layout of the room is a little crude. Even the table is made now.

After they sat down, Fang Xinggang wanted to scold a few words, but he saw that Zhu Zhanji\'s eyebrows were haunted with fatigue, so he sighed: "even you, the emperor\'s grandson, are so tired. What\'s the meaning of being an emperor?"

Only Fang xingcai dared to say this in front of Zhu Zhanji, so he just rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Grandpa Huang\'s mind is more and more difficult to guess."

"What\'s the matter?"

Fang Xing felt that Zhu Zhanji was in a bad mood, so he asked.

Zhu Zhanji moved his neck: "I entered the city last night, but the king of Han had been lifted the day before yesterday."

Since he was driven back to the capital, the king of the Han Dynasty has been "reading" behind closed doors under human surveillance. We don\'t know whether he read or not, but it\'s true that he didn\'t go out.

But the day before Zhu Zhanji came back, the king of Han was lifted.

"How did you come back early?"

Fang Xing asked after labeling Zhu Di as "master slag".

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanji\'s mood was obviously better. He smiled and said, "I asked to come back on my own initiative, mainly to see this young army."

But old Zhu will hate you!

Fang Xing felt that Zhu Zhanji still didn\'t grasp the key point, or underestimated an emperor\'s mind.

Let Zhu Zhanji follow him to the North tour, this is to train him, by the way, it is also a comfort. But the goods actually want to come back. Doesn\'t it make Zhu Di feel that this grandson has grown up, his wings are hard, and he wants to fly high?

Fang woke up and said, "you\'d better write a letter back and say that you\'ll miss your majesty and want to go back to Peiping."

"Isn\'t that a children\'s play..."

Zhu Zhanji had some enlightenment before he finished. He lowered his eyes and meditated. He soon summoned someone to send pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

After writing a letter, Zhu Zhanji asked someone to send it to his majesty Peiping through military channels, and then he was relieved.

"Brother Dehua, thank you for your advice, otherwise I\'ll really make trouble this time."

Zhu Zhanji was very grateful to Fang Xing, but he was also curious: "brother Dehua, how do you know what my emperor grandpa thinks?"

Fang woke up and thought, would I tell you that my grandfather would be jealous of who I went to play with in my previous life?

"Older people are like this. In the future, please refer to how ordinary people get along with their grandparents and grandchildren."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji\'s spirit perked up, he got up and looked outside and said, "brother Dehua, I saw the drill today. Sure enough, you still have a way."

Fang Xing also stood beside him. Looking at the orderly array of sergeants, he smiled and said, "it\'s just a show. It\'s a little interesting to see a wall of horses rushing over on the battlefield without changing color."

Speaking of this, Fang woke up and remembered the moves he had already prepared, so he waved for a servant.

After the servant ran to a separate stone hut, Zhu Zhanji asked, "brother Dehua, what have you prepared? It can\'t be a whip."

Fang Xing shook his head mysteriously: "no, we don\'t do that kind of work with low technical content."

Before long, the servants gathered together, and then each divided a bag of things and lit incense.

"What are they doing?"

We all wait and see, but when the servants took that thing out of the bag with a bad smile, the neat queue suddenly tilted.

"It\'s firecrackers!"

"It\'s like Li\'s firecrackers. It hurts!"

The sergeants immediately understood the next \'program\'. Suddenly the queue was much looser.

Xin Laoqi saw it on the side and didn\'t correct it. He just shouted: "every hundred households keep an eye on their own people. If the queue is not neat, every hundred households will have ten army sticks!"

This was Fang\'s conscious attention. Instead of beating the sergeant who made a mistake, he beat the officer who led the team.

Hearing this, the hundred households immediately shouted, even the main flag and small flag.

If a hundred households are hit by the military staff, these general flags and small flags will also be unlucky.

When Fang woke up and saw that the queue immediately returned to normal, he smiled and said, "the punishment of others\' sitting in company starts from the sergeant, but I do the opposite, starting from leading a hundred families."

Zhu Zhanji saw the smoking firecrackers flying in the air, and then

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, Fang Xingleng looked at the sergeants who had been blown up and said to Dong PI, "record the hundreds of families with disorderly formation. After the practice, they all ran five laps."

Dong PI had just come to get close to Huang TAISUN, but Fang woke up and arranged this offending job. But he did not dare to complain, otherwise Zhu Zhanji would definitely change people immediately.

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "Dong Qianhu, follow Mr. Fang well, and the future is bound to be promising."

This sentence moved Dong pi to tears, and the goods immediately knelt on the ground and sent their loyalty.

"Your Highness, I promise..."

At this point, Dong PI Meng remembered Fang Xing\'s rules, so he quickly turned his knees into one knee and knelt down, and then expressed his loyalty.

Fang Xing\'s rule is: don\'t kneel!

In fact, the military ceremony of Daming is just kneeling on one knee. But people like Dong PI, when he faced the supreme power, immediately forgot these and just wanted to express his awe and loyalty.

After Dong PI left, Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "brother Dehua, after all, it\'s rare for a talent like you!"

Your sister! Are you so comforting?

Fang Xing squinted at him and said, "loyalty is not kneeling, but sincere respect and admiration. As for the awe brought by imperial power, with all due respect, this awe will subside with the extension of time and will only become a joke."

Zhu Zhanji can only smile bitterly about this. He knows Fang Xing and knows that this man just wants to be a tyrannical small landlord. It\'s best not to bother him.

But I don\'t know what happened. Zhu Zhanji always felt that Fang Xing didn\'t have enough confidence in Daming\'s future. He wished he could become the kind of monarch in his mind in a few days.

When Fang woke up to see Zhu Zhanji looking at himself, he smiled and said, "why, don\'t you believe it?"

"Bang bang!"

The sound of firecrackers outside was very noisy. Fang Xing simply asked Jia Quan to come over and explained, "stand away and stare at this room. No one is allowed to come near."

When Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji went in and closed the door, a picture floated out of Jia Quan\'s mind. After a cold war, he hurried out tens of meters away.