Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 110

With money, the first thing Fang woke up was to buy a dozen big fat pigs and keep them in captivity in the corner of the military camp.

The sergeants were holding wooden sticks with bricks hanging below. When they heard the pig\'s hum, their hearts itched.

Fang Xing won\'t deduct his food and pay, but the food in the military camp is just enough to eat. There is little meat every day.

Now Fang Xing has bought more than ten fat pigs, most of which are for everyone to eat.

Thinking of the oil and water of big fat, those wooden sticks could not help shaking, which attracted the beating of Xin Laoqi and his servants.

Fang Xing came to the array with a smile and said loudly, "you have seen that fat pigs must have a lot of oil and water, but not everyone can eat them."

The stick shook even more. Xin Laoqi and his servants couldn\'t catch up with the beating.

Fang Xing said with a smile: "the meal added by the 100 households with the best training every day, that\'s it!"

Xin Laoqi was surprised to find that he didn\'t have to worry about it this time. Those wooden sticks stabilized, and even the sergeant reminded each other.

"Hold on, paralyzed! If everyone can\'t eat big fat because of you, I\'ll beat you!"

"Don\'t look around. I\'ve got a chance of ten to one!"

"The brothers have stood firm. It\'s more than ten big fat pigs!"

Even those hundred households began to boost their morale, not to mention the general flag and small flag below. They wished it was their turn to eat meat every day.

As a member of a hundred households listed separately, Fang Xing gave it to a servant for separate training, just according to the practice methods of the servants.

Xin Laoqi hurried to ask the evaluation criteria. Fang Xing just smiled and said, "look for yourself, not only from the perspective of diligence, but also from the perspective of achievements."

That night, all the sergeants were drooling in their dreams. In the dream, they won the first place. They not only got praise, but also the three finger thick and fat pork was big. It was really delicious!

The beautiful dream enveloped the sleeping military camp, and a group of dark shadows lit torches on the training ground.

Xin Laoqi looked at Fang Xing who was yawning and asked, "young master, do you want to start?"

Fang woke up and looked at the time, nodded and said, "let\'s start."

Dong PI also took his own personal soldiers to the side and complained angrily.

"How can there be such training? If the sergeants can\'t sleep well and complain a lot, how can they practice further!"

And those hundred families who were called up also had some stomach Fei. They felt that this way of tossing people was too much.

Fang woke up and heard his complaint, but he didn\'t bother to pay attention to it.

He saw that Xin Laoqi had touched the residence with his servants, and then the sharp whistle rang through the whole military camp, and even the craftsmen were awakened.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The sergeants who were vaguely cursing which wicked devil was making trouble heard the sound of kicking the door.

As soon as the door was kicked open, someone rushed in, waved a stick and shouted, "if you haven\'t arrived at the training ground for a quarter, today\'s breakfast will be gone!"

"Hurry up, you lazy pigs!"


Fang Xing pretended to look at the hourglass and looked at his watch. When it was three minutes, someone began to run out.

"Time is up!"

The servants guarding the hourglass shouted, and the servants immediately rushed the people who came out from behind to the other side.

Some of the torches were not clear. The sergeants who were not well dressed looked at each other. They didn\'t know what it meant today.

Fang Xing turned to the hundreds of families and said, "you all go down and form a team to see how few people you have."

A quarter of an hour later, the number was counted.

"479 people arrived on time."

Fang woke up and looked at the group of sergeants gathered on the other side. He made a ha ha, and suddenly angrily said, "you pigs, say you are pigs, all insulted pigs!"

There was some commotion below. Fang woke up and continued to curse if he didn\'t see it: "if you were touched by the enemy tonight, it\'s estimated that your reaction time will be taken off by the enemy in your sleep..."

After a round of scolding, Fang woke up and said to the hundreds of households, "those who arrive on time can go back to bed now."

Some of the more than 400 people who were still muddled went back. Fang xingcai said, "just take them and run around the training ground ten times!"

"Oh! Why do you want us to run with you?"

Eleven hundred families feel unfair. But Fang woke up and said coldly, "your men have made mistakes. Of course, you have to be punished! Let\'s start."

Those hundred families really wanted to make a scene, but when they saw that Xin Laoqi and his servants were fully armed, they immediately put out their mind.

Many people were unconvinced these days, so Fang woke up and asked the servants to go up and have a competition. The result was very "gratifying", and there were more than a dozen injured names. At this time, he was raising them in the camp.


Xin Laoqi shouted. No one dared to listen. Those who didn\'t listen were cleaned up and afraid these days. Even those who claimed to be experts were beaten black and blue.

Seeing that he had run, Fang woke up, yawned and said to Dong PI, "Dong Qianhu, I\'ll give it to you here. I have to go back to teach."

Then Fang woke up and left. Dong PI had to take on the position of supervisor. However, he said in his heart, "it\'s the beginning of Yin Dynasty. Which teacher will teach at this time?"

Fang woke up and went back to sleep. The awakened craftsmen also laughed secretly for a while, and the snoring began to ring.

Sleep until dawn, wake up, and then get up.

"Husband, old seven, they are still in the barracks."

Zhang Shuhui was a little strange as she helped him dress. Why didn\'t Xin Laoqi come back last night?

Fang woke up and yawned. He said lazily, "they attacked at night last night. They have to take those sergeants out for exercises in the morning."

After washing, Fang woke up and said proudly, "this has taught my apprentice, and my master will be free!"

When Fang woke up and leisurely ate breakfast and rushed to the barracks, he saw two more guards outside the door.

"Mr. Fang."

"Mr. Fang, your highness TAISUN is inside."

Both of them knew Fang Xing. When they saw that he came at this time, the corners of his mouth couldn\'t help twitching.

This is really good at letting go! I\'ve told you everything and I\'ll live as usual.

Fang woke up and asked, "how did he come back?"

The emperor is still inspecting Beiping mansion. Why did Zhu Zhanji come back?

"Mr. Fang, you have to ask your highness about it."

When Fang woke up in the barracks, he found that the atmosphere today was a little excited.

"Brother Dehua."

Seeing Fang wake up, Zhu Zhanji came over unexpectedly.

"I thought you would be half an hour late."

The sergeants below saw Huang TAISUN, and their morale was different immediately.

We will be the pro army of his highness TAISUN in the future. What are we worried about promotion and pay!