Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 109

The craftsmen came, but there were only fifty. Along with them came a large number of materials. "After that, your food and salaries will be paid in full, but something has gone wrong, not to mention our military headquarters, okay? As for the rest of the craftsmen, they will arrive in the afternoon," said the delivery man

Fang woke up and looked at the craftsmen dressed in rags. He said faintly, "there is food and pay, and your army can\'t control others!"

Unifying troops is the business of the governor\'s office of the five armies, which is not compatible with the military headquarters.

"Hum! See if you can be so proud in the future!"

After these people left, Fang woke up and said nothing, but let the craftsmen settle down first.

"Let them have enough to eat. They will eat whatever the sergeants eat."

The room was very shabby, and even gave off the smell of wood. In some places, the bark was not cleaned up.

But the craftsmen are satisfied with such conditions.

"Not bad! There are still bedding? Thanks to us, we brought those rags."

The contented craftsmen now just hope that they will not be deducted from their wages. As for work, that is their instinct.

The stove is on fire, the big table is set, and the tools are ready.

When the craftsmen were called together, they found that someone had arrived.

Zhu Fang, as a sacrifice of the Fang family, was also pulled by Fang Xing today.

Fang Xing looked at the craftsmen with good spirits and said kindly, "this is Zhu Fang. You will work under his leadership in the future. I promise here that as long as you work hard, you will be guaranteed to pay in full."


The craftsmen below are a little moved. You know, no matter where they are assigned, it has almost become a convention to be deducted.

Who makes craftsmen low! Who do you bully?

Fang Xing didn\'t explain much, nodded to Zhu Fang, and then went to see the training of the sergeants.

After Fang woke up and left, Zhu Fang found that everyone was relieved, so she comforted: "please rest assured, what my young master said is a certainty and will never go back!"

"Young master? Are you..."

Since they are peers, they have to make a bottom, so someone asked boldly.

Zhu Fang was reminded of her past memories by this question and said for a long time: "I\'m just a blacksmith, just like everyone else. But my young master thinks highly of me. This time, let\'s tell you about the fire gun we want to build."

"Aren\'t muskets like that?"

Craftsmen are all craftsmen who make fire guns. At this time, they are dissatisfied.

It\'s all teachers. Do we still need someone to teach?

Zhu Fang picked up a thin iron plate and began to introduce the specific requirements for building a fire gun this time.

"The fire gun I want to forge is not a clay model, but an iron tool. It must be forged in two layers."

This is a mandatory requirement. There is no need to explain why.

Well, although the two-layer rolling barrel took some trouble, there were no technical difficulties, so everyone didn\'t say a word.

Then Zhu Fang took out a fire gun, pointed to the guard wood covering the front section of the muzzle and said, "look at the clip on it."

Everyone came together to have a look and thought it was very simple.

Zhu Fang smiled, then picked up a triangular blade from the table and put it on the clip a few times.

"This is the bayonet, which can be used for fighting in recent wartime."

With that, Zhu Fang also had a stab.

"Eh! This idea is quite rare!"

Someone touched the clip and thought that such a simple design could enable the Musketeers to have fighting weapons. It was a great genius.

An old craftsman looked at it silently for a long time. Then he said, "someone has thought of it for decades and made it. It\'s just useless."

As soon as others listened, they immediately asked, "Liu Da, aren\'t you bragging?"

The craftsman named Liu Da disdained and said, "when I was an apprentice, my master made it and used it on that kind of slender firegun. As a result, I was whipped a few times. No one has asked since."

This kind of thing seemed normal to the craftsmen, so everyone began to receive tools.

Zhu Fang introduced new things while giving out tools.

"This is a ruler and this is a caliper. Remember, you can\'t measure until the object cools down!"

After receiving the tools, everyone was amazed. Especially the caliper, which is really fine.

Zhu Fang warned: "these tools should be kept carefully. Once lost, the whole family will suffer!"

This made everyone put away the tools immediately.

When we arrived at our workbench, we found that there was a familiar tool.

"This is a vice, which can be clamped on when making things."

Craftsmen used to have similar tools, but they can\'t compare with this big guy.

Everyone tried to use it, and found that it was really easy to use.

"Let\'s start."

"Dang Dang!"

"咵 咵 咵!"

Gradually becoming neat, the footsteps were mixed with the sound of beating. Fang Xing said to Xin Laoqi, "from tomorrow, the old rules, irregular night raids and morning exercises will at least reach your 70% level."

At seven o\'clock, Master Xin said, "don\'t worry, young master. I\'m going to give them a try tonight."

Fang woke up, nodded and ran away satisfied.

Jia Quan hurried home before he could sit still.

"Mr. Fang, a letter from his highness TAISUN."

Fang Xing received the letter and opened it. Sure enough, the beginning was an apology. He said that it was because the time was rare, so he agreed to the training without asking Fang Xing\'s advice.

But as soon as the conversation changed, Zhu Zhanji talked about his grief, saying that not only the king of Han and King Zhao stabbed in the back, but also some clans were unstable, such as the king of Zhou.

"King Zhou?"

Fang Xing recalled with difficulty the information she had been looking for with Xue Huamin some time ago.

The king of Zhou and Zhu Di are a mother compatriots, but it is said that they had different intentions earlier, but they were unlucky. They were denounced by their son and demoted to Yunnan.

During the Jianwen period, it was probably thought of the blood relationship between the goods and Zhu Di, so emperor Jianwen pulled him back from Yunnan to Jinling and imprisoned him. It was not until Zhu Di entered Jinling City that he regained his freedom and title.

"Your Majesty wanted to change King Zhou to Luoyang earlier, but king Zhou didn\'t want to. Finally, he stayed in Bianliang."

Jia quanmei explained with penetrating eyes.

Fang Xing rubbed his forehead. He was sure that there was no trace of King Zhou\'s rebellion in his memory.

Then he is a guy with great ambition and little talent!

Jia Quan looked at Fang Xing\'s face, then felt out an envelope and said, "this is something sent by his highness TAISUN. He said that you don\'t have to subsidize yourself."

Fang woke up and smiled, and saw that it was actually a silver voucher of a big business in Jinling. He is having a headache these days. Because once he gets private subsidies, he will make some taboos, saying that he will not be picked up in the future.

"This guy has a little conscience!"

Fang woke up and looked at the large voucher and said with satisfaction.

With this money, he can use it as a reward.

It\'s also an incentive to buy some meat and eat for the outstanding sergeants and craftsmen!