Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 108

When she returned to fangjiazhuang, Princess wanwan was unhappy because she couldn\'t find Fang to wake up. Even her little partner, big girl, couldn\'t make her happy.

"Fang Xing."

When Fang woke up, Wan Wan rushed over and was so frightened that Liang Zhonghe\'s attendants almost stopped beating.

Fang Xing caught Wan Wan, picked her up with a smile and asked, "the little princess is hungry?"

Wan Wan seems to have improved a lot, so she breathed calmly and said, "no, I just want to... See the fish."

"Look at the fish? Isn\'t the fish in the pool?"

Fang Xing wondered, but wan wan pointed out and motioned to see the fish raised in the pond.

The fish in the pond can\'t be raised for long, so they have to be put into the rice field. The children are also taking the time to feed the fish, so that the insects in fangjiazhuang have become rare species.

Seeing Fang Xing holding Wan Wan, the bear children boasted about how many insects they had caught today to feed the fish.

After watching the fish, Fang woke up and went to the study. He had to continue teaching!

Masu is curious about the military camp, but at present his task is very heavy. When Fang Xing has to go to the military camp in the morning, he has to take Fang Xing\'s place to teach those students.

Liu Pu was not interested at all. His father used to be a unified military figure in Shenji camp. He was tired of playing with guns.

Fang Xing taught math today, but Liu Pu still didn\'t understand most of it. He had to consult Ma Su after class.

When Fang Xing took the little princess to the backyard, lunch was ready. Facing the waiting of his wife and concubine, he couldn\'t help sighing: "it\'s still comfortable in the past!"

Zhang Shuhui hurriedly advised, "you can\'t say that. You\'re still good. In the past, my father and brother couldn\'t call home. They couldn\'t see people for a year and a half."

Xiaobai also nodded and said, "young master, you\'ve just been out all morning. You can even come back for lunch. It\'s lighter than the farmers!"

By what they said, Fang Xing also felt that his previous days were too loose.

After dinner, Fang woke up and was stopped by four official students as soon as he went out.

Yao Ping asked with burning eyes, "teacher, after learning arithmetic these days, I feel that arithmetic is really endless! But in practical application, we always feel a little cramped. Please give me some advice."

The others nodded hurriedly.

Fang woke up for a moment, picked up a small stone on the ground, squatted down and began to draw lines.

"Let me give you an example. You see, a horizontal line and a vertical line. For example, if you manage the warehouse, you can use this rectangular coordinate."

The four students squatted on the ground and watched Fang Xing draw a rectangular coordinate.

"You see here, the time can be divided equally below, and the time can be daily, monthly or annually."

"In the above, we can list the units of quantity. For example, an equal score is 100 kg or 1000 kg. Just record it, and then we use lines to connect the things in and out of each time unit..."

Fang Xing drew a simple thing and connected it with lines. Finally, he smiled and said, "isn\'t it very intuitive? Hanging such a thing in your department to know the trend and abnormality of materials every day is better than calculating after looking in a pile of old papers?"

"Oh! There is still such usage!"

When Ma Su and Liu Pu came out, they saw the four squatting on the ground, like children playing with mud, and immediately smiled.

But when they saw the rough thing on the ground, they both recorded it like a treasure.

This graph has been first applied to military barracks.

"The daily training amount and daily material consumption should be made into tables or curves."

Fang Xing explained to Xin Laoqi.

"It seems that I can\'t practice today."

Seeing that the sergeants were building wooden houses, Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "it\'s simple, as long as it can keep warm."

The winter in the South can\'t be underestimated. It\'s bitterly cold. Fang Xing has learned this in his previous life.

"There\'s another one."

Fang woke up and called Dong PI. He explained, "each 100 households will be reduced to 100 people. Draw out 100 people for me and I will train alone."

Fang Xing, who is short of people, is ready to make up a small army to be a kind of Scout similar to later generations.

Just as Fang Xing was preparing for this unfinished 1000 household office, the British government also knew about it.

The old lady sat above, and the two daughters-in-law below were flattering.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, the eldest lady looked for an opportunity and said with a smile, "mother, don\'t you know that our second uncle has joined the army."

The second lady frowned, and then heard the old lady say, "but really? Didn\'t the child read well? Why didn\'t he go to the imperial examination?"

The eldest lady smiled covertly, and then said, "it\'s interesting to say that the second uncle still enters the military camp with a white body. Just thinking that he has no strength to bind chickens, the daughter-in-law is worried about sister Hui."


Seeing the worried look on her mother-in-law\'s face, the second lady hurriedly advised, "mother, don\'t worry. I heard that it was the will of your majesty himself. I want to come to my brother-in-law just to train troops."


The eldest lady had a sneer on her face: "but how did I hear that he went to the military headquarters in the morning? If it weren\'t for the face of our government, he would have been beaten out by random sticks!"

The second lady said with a smile, "yo! I don\'t understand what my sister said. Our brother-in-law is not only our son-in-law, but also a teacher of Huang TAISUN. Can\'t Huang TAISUN\'s teacher go to the military headquarters to make a scene?"

The old lady looked at the two daughters-in-law fighting secretly, but she sighed slightly in her heart.

The eldest lady also calls Fang Xing the second uncle, but the second wife has changed her name to her brother-in-law. This is a contradiction!

"All right!"

The old lady said softly, "this is not something that we women can intervene in. There are auxiliary children!"

Zhang Fu, who was far away from Jiaozhi, had learned about it. He smiled at his staff and said, "does your majesty want his highness TAISUN to step in and become a tripartite confrontation?"

Although he was laughing, Zhang Fu was worried. He was worried that the emperor would faint in the struggle of his sons, and that Fang Xing would be caught in the middle by cannon fodder.

The staff inquired: "Lord, how does Fang Xing relate to the palace?"

Zhang Fu glanced sideways at him. Knowing that the problem was only the beginning, he said: "TAISUN studied with him, his majesty... It is estimated that he will stand idly by!"

Even Zhang Fu didn\'t know Fang Xing\'s ability. He only remembered the introduction of others when he was selecting a husband for his concubine.

"That\'s a genius. He doesn\'t have a famous teacher and contacts, but he was admitted to the scholar\'s class when he was so young. It is said that he will take the exam next year..."

"Genius? But what the royal family despises most is genius!"

Since ancient times, we should be an official as early as possible, but Ganluo\'s twelve aspects can only make a great impact. The mature political system will not allow the emergence of a second Ganluo.

"Misfortunes and blessings are unpredictable!"

The sky of Jiaozhi is still full of dark clouds, and teams of short Jiaozhi people are quietly approaching in the jungle.