Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 107

At the gate of the military headquarters, everyone looked at Fang Xing with pity and felt that the goods would be caught, and then turned it over with the means of dealing with enemy spies.

Two aggressive men came up with a knife. Fang woke up and regretted that he didn\'t bring a servant. He looked left and right and suddenly shouted; "Is there any justice? Are the masters of the military department conniving at corruption or preparing to kill people and kill people!"

A middle-aged man in official clothes just sent someone to the gate. Seeing this behind the scenes, he frowned and said, "what\'s the noise? This is the Yamen of the Ministry of war, not the street!"

The two men were stifled, then turned back with a sad face and said, "normal university man, this man is crazy. He made a fuss at the gate early in the morning!"

"Shikui, who are you? Don\'t leave quickly!"

The middle-aged man shouted, and then he was ready to go back.

This man is not bad! Fang Xing hurriedly shouted, "I\'m Fang Xing. I\'m here for the young army of emperor TAISUN. Who is in charge?"

Shikui looked at Fang Xing. When he saw that his eyes were clear, he hugged his stomach with both hands and asked, "is it the thousand house in Jubao mountain?"

"Yes, that\'s it."

Fang Xing angrily asked, "I want to ask, where is my firearm?"

Shi Kui saw that there were many people outside, so he waved and said, "come in."

"Just go in. I\'m afraid you can\'t kill me!"

Shi Kui, who was walking in front, was stifled, and the green tendons on his forehead burst and jumped.

When he reached a room full of information, Shi Kui waved Fang Xing to sit down, then picked up a piece of information and read it.

Do you have that famous study time now?

Fang Xing, who felt that time and space were reversed, glanced at it and felt that it was not as luxurious as a village office, so he relaxed his language: "shishilang, it has been nearly half a month since our department received your Majesty\'s will, but those brothers still have big knives and spears in their hands. Your military department must give me an explanation!"

Shikui said carelessly, "it\'s not easy to build a firegun. It will take at least a month."

"A month? But your people said it would take half a year!"

Fang Xing almost jumped three feet high. Regardless of the waiter and respecting the old and loving the young, he said directly, "you are lazy politics. You are playing with Daming\'s safety!"

Shikui looked at Fang Xing calmly and said faintly, "the safety of Daming can\'t be decided by a thousand families. If you want to have the ability, can you build it yourself?"


Fang woke up and immediately sat down. He said, "thank you for your support. I only need 100 carpenters, 70% of them blacksmiths and 30% carpenters. Then you have to give me the iron material and the forging funds. I promise I won\'t trouble your army for the rest!"

Shikui was stung. He put down the information and sighed, "well, you Fang wake up and mess with me. You\'re not afraid to teach your highness TAISUN."

Fang woke up and couldn\'t see the shouting at the gate just now. He sat up and said, "Normal University, we don\'t talk in secret. Someone in your military department is tripping me. Otherwise, at least hundreds of muskets have to be sent."

Fight with me, who is afraid of who!

Shikui was trapped by Fang Xing\'s words just now, so he blurted out what Fang Xing made himself. He regretted his words for fear that the generals would come to the door and ask for the same treatment in the future.

When Fang woke up to see Shi Kui\'s intention to go back on his word, he warned, "my Lord, your majesty is very concerned about this place!"

Well, this is really the last straw.

Shi Kui\'s eyes suddenly became sharp and warned: "but if the firegun is lost, my military department will not carry this pot!"

When Fang woke up and saw that it was done, he said easily: "every firegun will be numbered when it comes out. It will be sent out during training. After training, it will be taken back. It can\'t be lost!"

Shikui woke up with a finger and hurried to humanity: "in that case, I\'ll have someone send the iron materials and craftsmen tomorrow. After that, it\'s your responsibility to wake up. Don\'t come to the military headquarters in case of an accident."

Fang Xing was eager to do this. He was also worried that he would be instructed by the people of the army.

As soon as Fang woke up and left, Shi Kui called his subordinates.

"Why didn\'t the thousand families in Jubao mountain get the guns? Who did it?"

The three people who could relate to this matter all hung their heads, but the faces of the two on the right tilted to the left. Shi Kui understood at once.

"Xia Qun, do you have something to say? HMM!"

Just now Shi Kui said it would take a month. That was just a temporary perfunctory awakening. I don\'t know how many things are sent out from him every year. Of course, he was clear about the supply of muskets, so he came to find the initiator at this time.

The man on the left shook his body and looked up and said, "my Lord, I\'m not feeling well recently. These things were taken over by the people below. I\'ll check it when I go back."

Shikui quietly looked at Xia Qun and sighed for a long time: "I don\'t care who you are, but you have to start and end things. Next time there is such a thing, you can deal with it yourself!"

Your majesty! Can\'t you let the two princes share it?

Returning to the barracks, Fang Xing was satisfied to see that the sergeants who had completed the drill were listening to Xin Laoqi\'s instructions, and then called Dong PI.

"Mr. Fang, you didn\'t go to the military headquarters?"

Seeing that Fang woke up so quickly and dressed neatly, Dong PI asked with some disappointment.

The people of the Ministry of war are not as gentle as the Ministry of rites. It hasn\'t happened that they fight when they don\'t agree with each other. Fang wakes up and asks for a firearm. According to Dong Pi\'s guess, most of them will have a conflict.

But it doesn\'t look like fighting with people!

Is Mr. Fang still a hidden expert?

Fang Xing said with a smile, "yes, the people of the military department are very enthusiastic and promised to send the iron materials and craftsmen to us tomorrow."

"We build it ourselves?"

Dong Pei had never heard of such a good thing. You know, since emperor Hong Wu, the state has been strict in the management of the army, so the army is not allowed to build weapons by itself.

Fang Xing didn\'t have time to explain to him and hurriedly arranged: "in the afternoon, let someone build a craftsman\'s residence next to the warehouse. In addition, the warehouse should also be expanded together, otherwise there\'s no place to put things when they come."

Dong PI felt a little aggrieved and thought that he was also a thousand households, but now he has become a busboy.

However, thinking that this army had the name of emperor Tai sun directly under the central government, Tung Chee Hwa felt hot again and hurried to gather people.

After the team dissolved, Xin Laoqi found Fang Xinghui and reported: "young master, these people have a good foundation, but they haven\'t been adjusted well before. What do you think to do next?"

Fang Xing squinted at the sergeants who were caught by Dong pi to build houses and warehouses, and said faintly: "queue, practice this during this period of time. We should ensure that we can change the formation at the command."


Fang Xing added: "in the morning, I will practice array, and in the afternoon, I will find a wooden stick as a fire gun to strengthen their stability, so as to ensure the training after the fire gun is in place."

"I have some interesting things here..."

Leaving five servants here, Fang woke up and flashed away with the others.

In terms of management, there is Mr Tung Chee Hwa and the general banner of 100 households under him, so Fang Xing doesn\'t have to do everything himself.