Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 106

After his speech, Shang Yun seemed not to see the commotion of the sergeants below. He smiled and said goodbye to Fang Xing and Dong PI and left by himself.

After Shang Yun left, Dong PI hesitated and asked, "Mr. Fang, do you want to dissolve the sergeants?"

Fang woke up and looked at the red sun just emerging from the horizon and said with a smile, "No."

Holding the horn, Fang Xing said to the following again: "I say it again. Some people who feel they can\'t stand my rules can stand up now. Lord Shang hasn\'t gone far yet. Hurry up."

"Half Zhu Xiang\'s time, hurry if you want to go, or don\'t go? Then don\'t blame me for practicing hard!"

Xin Laoqi immediately lit the broken half column incense on the side, and then held the knife to protect Fang Xing\'s back.

The sergeant below began to be silent, but with the burning of the half pillar incense, the first quitter began to appear.


When the spear was thrown on the ground, the sergeant hugged his fist and the other party woke up and said, "I\'m sorry. We came here for the emperor TAISUN hall, but now it seems that it\'s worse than the camp. I\'m willing to go back."

The man then nervously watched Fang wake up, worried that he would be used for surgery.

But Fang woke up, squinted and nodded. A servant behind him immediately went down and recorded the man\'s name, and then stood there waiting for the next one.

Seeing that the man walked out of the barracks smoothly, he immediately followed out the second and third

When half a column of incense was burned, forty-seven people left.

Fang woke up and said to Dong PI, "go back and ask the military department to fill the gap. What\'s more, why don\'t you have a gun?"

Dong PI said with a wry smile, "the Ministry of war said it was not easy to build muskets, so we have to wait. As for how long we have to wait, it looks like it\'s enough."

Fang Xingleng snorted, "TAISUN wrote to me that the silver grain, grass and iron materials prepared have been sent to the military headquarters. It seems that someone is tripping me!"

When you get to the barracks, you must be rude, or the people below won\'t obey you.

Dong PI nodded and said, "the lower officer thinks so, but the military department..."

Fang woke up and laughed, "I\'ll go there later. I\'ll see who swallowed the money for military training in the national dynasty!"

Dong PI shrunk his neck, thinking that this man had been charged with corruption at the beginning. Today\'s military headquarters seems to be going to be lively.

The people below saw that there was no movement for a long time, and some sergeants began to sit down.

"Young master."

When Xin Laoqi saw it, he leaned over and pointed at the bottom.

Fang Xing also saw it. He handed the horn to Xin Laoqi. "Laoqi, it\'s up to you to get rid of their bad habits."

When Xin Laoqi got the order, he rushed down with his servants, waved a big stick and stood up the sergeants sitting on the ground.

"Get up and see what you look like. What\'s the difference between you and the green skin on the street? Get up quickly!"

After a beating with a stick, the people below stood upright, but the atmosphere was wrong, as if they were pregnant with resistance.

Fang woke up with a sneer, greeted Xin Laoqi and said, "Laoqi, take our people and let them open their eyes."

"Yes, young master!"

Knowing that this was a deterrent, Xin Laoqi immediately asked the servants to stand in a long row and shouted, "right ahead, start!"

"咵 咵 咵!"

The sound of neat footsteps resounded through the training ground, as if a heavy hammer was beating on everyone\'s heart.

It turns out that walking can be so beautiful!

But then Fang woke up and let them see the cruel side.

After walking more than 100 meters, there is a row of shrubs with sharp spines in front. Fang specifically asked people to transplant it, which is about the waist of an adult.

"They\'ll turn right away!"

A sergeant who looked at the crafty said firmly.

"It\'s uncomfortable to hang the thorn. It\'s full of scratches."

But the servants let these sergeants down. They walked into the bushes like stone men.


All the sergeants were stunned when they saw that the clothes below the waist of the servants were cut by sharp thorns and their bodies were bleeding.

When ten servants appeared at the front of the queue with half their blood, everyone was silent.

That\'s human flesh! They didn\'t even tremble, so they stood there without expression.

After a moment of silence, Fang woke up and left with a cold word.

"According to a group of 100 people, practice the array first!"

Seeing that Fang woke up and was about to leave, Dong PI was a little flustered. He hurried up and asked, "Mr. Fang, is this just a practice queue?"

After waking up and down the steps, Fang looked back and said, "this thousand headquarters will be full of musketeers. What does the Musketeers rely on? It depends on the indestructible array and the courage to move forward!"

Today\'s firearms are only auxiliary. Even in Europe, in those large-scale wars, firearms are not the mainstream.

The so-called line up shooting tactics will have to wait more than 200 years. At present, there is no even brewing the grand occasion that both sides come within each other\'s range and fire on each other.

That\'s why Fang Xing has such high requirements for the array.

If the array is incomplete, the output of firepower will be discounted.

If the soldiers are not brave enough, the array will panic or even collapse under the flying feather arrows and the approaching hoofs of cavalry.

"Discipline and courage."

Fang Xing patted Dong Pi on the shoulder, pointed to Xin Laoqi and said, "listen to him. All I want is discipline and courage. As for the fire gun, believe me, everything will be there."

When Fang woke up and left, Dong PI returned to the stage, feeling that he had been abandoned.

As a general manager in a marginal area, Dong PI was still a little happy to get this position this time, but with the change of the attitude of the military department, Dong PI was a little flustered.

When he knew that Fang Xing was Huang TAISUN\'s teacher and had a close relationship with the crown prince\'s family, his heart lit up hope again.

But you can\'t be the shopkeeper like this!

"Every 100 people in a group, 20 people in a row to form an array!"

"All the hundreds of households came out to form a team. There was no lunch today because of the slow speed!"

Xin Laoqi\'s loud voice woke Dong PI. He felt that he should do something.

So a wonder soon appeared on the training ground: rows of lines began to practice under the cries of Xin Laoqi and his servants. On the other hand, Dong PI, who kept standing, was eating ash all the time.

Fang Xing was not lazy. He just went home to say hello and said he was not busy at all. Then he called the horse and went to the military headquarters.

The Yamen of the military headquarters looks quite interesting, but the two gatekeepers actually want to wake up with Fang in plain clothes to respect the door.

Fang Xing stepped back two steps, looked at the people in and out and said loudly, "no wonder you dare to drink soldier blood. The root is here!"

The people in and out were stunned. Looking at Fang wake up in ordinary clothes, they thought this man wouldn\'t be crazy? Dare to say they are corrupt at the gate of the military headquarters.

And the two men also shouted with gnashing teeth: "where\'s the demon! Take it down."