Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 105

PS: because Sir didn\'t send a red envelope, I didn\'t know that some book friends sent several for this book until today. I would like to thank the devil little knight and other book friends. At the same time, I would like to thank the book friends who recently rewarded and voted.

Thank you!


The atmosphere in the study was stifling. Liu Pu saw Fang Xing looking at himself with an expressionless face. He clapped in his heart and hurriedly said, "brother Dehua, in fact, you only need a letter. After all, you are now the teacher of his highness TAISUN!"

Fang Xing clenched the teacup in his hand and really wanted to throw it over. After several deep breaths, he lifted his feet and scared Liu Pu to the door.

"I\'m not happy to ask you to do something, or what? I\'m not happy to go myself!"

Seeing Fang wake up, Liu Pu quickly hugged and said, "don\'t worry, brother Dehua. I\'ll go after lunch."

Dong PI opened his mouth and pointed to Fang Xingna and said, "you... Are you the teacher of his highness TAISUN?"

Fang Xing looked askance: "why, not like?"

Fang Xing was not prepared to pretend to be more than, but seeing a Liu Pu could greatly change Dong Pi\'s attitude, so he was unhappy.

Dong PI quickly got up and said, "don\'t dare, don\'t dare, junior officials don\'t dare."

Quan Daming doesn\'t know how many thousand households there are! A thousand households is a chicken rib for Huang TAISUN.

Seeing that Dong PI was terrified, Fang woke up and sighed slightly: "why? Everyone should be regarded as colleagues. Can\'t get along well? You have to force me..."

Liu Puxin said, who dares to force you? You don\'t kneel when you see the prince!

Fang Xing didn\'t kneel down when he went to see the prince several times, and the prince connived at his rudeness. Now it has been spread all over the upper echelon.

"Fang Xing."

At this time, a thin voice came from the door. Fang woke up and got up immediately with a smile on his face.

"Our little princess is hungry?"

Seeing Fang Xing pick up a little girl at the door, even Liu Pu changed his face this time.

Not only because Fang Xing just called her, but also because there was a familiar person standing behind the little girl.

"Mr. Fang, the princess said she wanted to eat the iced sugar steamed Sydney."

Liang Zhong bent over and carefully protected Wan Wan, who wanted to struggle to get down to the ground in Fang Xinghuai, with a spoiled face.

Fang Xing laughed and said, "that\'s easy. Let Hua Niang do it for you."

Wan Wan\'s dark eyes moved, glanced at Liu Pu and Dong PI, who were numb inside, and then turned around and said, "OK, but I want to put more sugar."

"That\'s not good! If you eat too much sugar, your teeth will grow holes, and you\'re ugly..."

Seeing Fang Xing as holding his own baby, he took the little princess away. Dong picai sighed with a sigh: "I know Mr. Fang\'s power today."

Liu Pu was also a little confused. He asked for leave to deal with things at home some time ago. When he came back, the little princess didn\'t come. Today is his first meeting.

When we had dinner, because Wan Wan didn\'t want to leave Fang Xing, she had to ask Ma Su and Liu Pu to accompany Dong pi to dinner.

After dinner, Wan Wan was going back, and Dong PI followed Liu Pu to the military headquarters.

Fang Xing told Zhang Shuhui about it, and suddenly there was a cry at home.

"My father followed his majesty to set up the army, and the battle of Jingnan was lost. Now, my husband, you have to go again..."

In the bedroom, Fang Xing looked at Zhang Shuhui\'s rare sad appearance with a black face. After she finished nagging, she said slowly, "I didn\'t join the army, but I just went to practice. I said where did you think of?"


Zhang Shuhui just raised her head. The appearance of pear blossom with rain made Fang wake up and move his fingers. If it weren\'t for broad daylight, the goods would soon turn into wolves.

Fang woke up and saw Xiaobai sneaking at the door, so he waved. When she and lingdang came in, he said, "this military training is just a ghost made by Emperor TAISUN. It may have something to do with the king of Han. But you don\'t have to worry. There is only one thousand headquarters."

After these words, Zhang Shuhui wiped away her tears and hurriedly took Xiaobai to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"I regret teaching my husband to find a marquis!"


Time gradually passed. When the barracks were completed faster than expected, Fang\'s leisure days were over.

Early in the morning, Fang woke up and was urged to get up by Zhang Shuhui.

"Husband, don\'t use a knife or a gun when you go. Isn\'t there Dong Qianhu? Let him train and let\'s be a supervisor..."

Fang Xing took the towel from Xiaobai and washed his face carelessly.

"Well, I\'m a supervisor. It\'s not in the way."

But after arriving at the gate, where Zhang Shuhui couldn\'t see, Xin Laoqi stood outside the wall with ten servants, each with a horse.

Fang Xing turned back and waved to Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai inside, then pulled the saddle and mounted the horse, and gently shouted, "go!"

With the sound of horse hoofs, Fang Xing and his party went towards the back of Jubao mountain.

The distance was very close. When the horse had just warmed up, a new military camp came into Fang Xing\'s eyes.

This is a brick and stone barracks, into which is a training ground full of soldiers, and in the middle is a humble residence, next door is the warehouse.

Outside the door, Dong PI was already waiting for Fang to wake up, accompanied by an official of the Military Ministry.

When Fang woke up, the official drank his good riding skills, and then came forward and said, "Shang Yun, the head of our army department, Mr. Fang\'s riding skills are good!"

Fang Xing smiled. "I\'m flattered. It\'s also our honor for Lord Shang to come today. Let\'s go to the camp together."

After entering, the young soldiers made some noise, especially after seeing the servants behind Fang Xing.

"Is this our new family? It looks so young!"

"Don\'t talk. Didn\'t you look behind the man?"

"Tut tut! The steps are quite neat, but I don\'t know if they are extravagant!"

"Stop it!"

Fang Xing and others have been on the general stage, and the people below are gradually quiet.

Dong PI first asked Shang Yun to speak, but Shang Yun pointed to his mouth and said, "I just brought my ears today. Please help yourself."

So as a thousand households, Dong PI said that fan Zhongjun was patriotic and practiced well. Finally, Fang woke up.

Fang woke up and saw that the young soldiers below were standing askew, so he stretched out his hand. Seeing this, Xin Laoqi quickly took out a tin horn.

"I am Fang Xing!"

The sound of the loudspeaker startled people, and then Fang woke up and began his inaugural speech.

"The so-called young army is just a piece of paper. When I get here, I forget everything before. Start over!"

There was some commotion, but Fang woke up with a sneer and then said, "I know you were selected from the whole Daming, but you don\'t need personal courage on the battlefield.

I have three requirements for you. The first is obedience, the second is obedience, and the third is obedience!

Military order, even if there is a river and abyss ahead, you have to jump down! "

There was a commotion below. Dong PI looked at Fang with some worry, while Shang Yun just kept smiling, just like a Bodhisattva in the temple.