Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 104

It was quiet in the study. Liang Zhong just smiled. When he saw the big girl looking at him in the yard and wanted to ask her why she didn\'t come, the kindness on her face was full of.

The spring breeze was subtle, and Liang Zhong said with a smile, "the king of Han couldn\'t stand the news that the north is parallel. He did something that annoyed his majesty."

Fang Xing was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of this remark.

Zhu gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty, felt a little uncomfortable when he was in the business. He probably went hunting outside. As a result, he trampled on other people\'s crops and was denounced. So the Emperor Zhu Di didn\'t know what he was thinking. He lured Zhu Zhanji into saying that he wanted to train the young army alone.

"Push the boat along the river, the heart of the emperor is unpredictable!"

Liang Zhongxin has Qi Qiyan blocking his face and thinks you know now! My husband Liang has experienced it countless times. He is really accompanying the king like a tiger!

Eunuchs in the early Ming Dynasty were not actually called "Gonggong", but "husband".

However, Fang Xing was not willing to call others "husband", so he called him Lao Liang.

"The king of Han was ordered to come back immediately and study behind closed doors."

Liang Zhong was a little proud of this and thought it was time for you to live in peace.

Fang Xing shook his head and thought it was a little mysterious.

"Does your majesty agree?"

"It is said that your majesty hesitated for a moment and then nodded. It\'s still emperor TAISUN Deli!"

Liang Zhong sighed that he felt that his lord prince could not compare with his son. He was really a wonderful flower of the national Dynasty.

Fang woke up and scratched his head. He also complained about Zhu Zhanji. He felt that the goods had sold themselves like this. It was really wrong.

However, since Zhu Di nodded his head, unless Fang woke up sick and was about to burp his fart, he had to hurry up.

Soon, the next morning, a man in plain clothes came to fangjiazhuang to see Fang Xing.

"Dong Biqian family?"

Fang Xing was teaching. When he heard the speech, he told Ma Su to replace him. He hurried to the front.

In the front hall, a tall middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, and the tea around him did not move.

Seeing Fang wake up and come in, the man got up and hugged his fist and said, "Mr. Fang, lower official Dong PI, this is about the young army."

Fang woke up and saw that the servant girls on the side were somewhat silent, so he smiled and said, "Dong Qianhu doesn\'t have to be polite. Please sit down."

After sitting down, Fang Xing arched his hand towards the north and said, "Your Majesty, trust me. Let us make up TAISUN\'s young army. After that, we should share weal and woe."

Dong PI Duan sat still and said coldly, "the order of the military headquarters is to give priority to Mr. Fang, and the lower officials must cooperate."

This man is a little hypocritical!

Although Fang Xing doesn\'t think his identity is high, his attitude is too cold.

I am the master?

Fang Xing was a little depressed. Seeing that he didn\'t cooperate, he had to think about what to do first.

"Dong Qianhu, the manpower can be adjusted. Where is the training camp?"

Dong PI said in a deep voice, "we didn\'t choose the manpower. 1120 people have been allocated from the young army. As for the camp, the military headquarters has built a military camp on the back of Jubao mountain, which will be completed in about half a month."

The back of Jubao mountain?

Fang Xingshu asked, "which adult chose the place? Someone on our side really wants to thank."

On the back of Jubao mountain, there is a wasteland, only three miles away from fangjiazhuang.

This place is not for the convenience of one of our talents, is it?

Fang Xing was thinking about himself.

"The Zhengyang gate is guarded by the Shenji camp, but there is no one at the Jubao gate. The military department means that even if there are a thousand pigs, the enemy must at least spend some time to reach the Jubao gate."

When Tung PI spoke of pigs, his cheeks trembled a few times, obviously angry.

Fang Xing was also a little angry. The paralyzed military headquarters thought they were taking care of themselves, so they chose the military camp not far from home, but their purpose was to let these more than 1000 people be cannon fodder.

If the enemy invades, if you want to seize the Jubao gate, you must first take the thousand households on the side.

Fang woke up with a smile and stood up. Lang said, "Dong Qianhu, since the people of the military think we are pigs, let\'s wait and see!"

Dong PI did not expect Fang Xing to be so confident. For a moment, he complained a lot and said gently, "Mr. Fang, anyway, this thousand households is the face of his highness TAISUN. Let\'s do our best."

The two managers reached an agreement temporarily, so Fang woke up and saw that it was near noon, so he asked someone to go to the kitchen to say hello. There were guests at noon.

Dong PI got up and refused, "thank you for Mr. Fang\'s hospitality, but the corporal has to pick up the sergeants first."

Fang woke up and wondered, "isn\'t it right? The camp is still under construction. Where did you live?"

Dong Pi\'s face was not very good. He said in a stuffy voice, "when the lower officer went to the military headquarters, he handed over the people like this. He said that he had to pick them up today."

"Sleeping trough! It\'s shameless for us!"

Fang woke up angry and immediately called Liu PU.

As soon as Liu Pu came in and saw Tung PI, he smiled and said, "isn\'t this Tung Chien Hu? Why did you come to brother Dehua\'s house today?"

When Dong PI saw Liu Pu, his face was a little dull.

"Little uncle, I\'m here under orders."

"Well, don\'t chatter. I have something to do with you."

When Fang woke up and saw that they knew each other, he asked, "Your Majesty asked me to train with Dong Qianhu, but the military headquarters asked those sergeants to move out of the camp before the camp was built. I ask you, who is in charge of the governor\'s office of the five armies?"

As soon as Liu Pu heard this question, he immediately replied, "brother Dehua, this is not necessarily the fault of the governor\'s office of the Fifth Army. I think it may be the Yao moth made by the Ministry of war."

The governor\'s office of the five armies only has the right to unify the army, but it has no right to dispatch troops, so Liu Pu said so.

Liu Pu touched his chin and thought for a moment. He said, "Jin Zhong, the Minister of the Ministry of war, is driving north parallel at this time. I guess it\'s the kid below."

Hearing this analysis, Dong PI could not help but say, "at the moment, Shi Kui is in charge of the military headquarters, and Shi Shilang will not be so."

Fang woke up and said, "what are you waiting for? Let\'s go to the military headquarters after lunch."

Liu Pu quickly dissuaded him and said, "brother Dehua, don\'t worry. We have to think about it in the long run."

"Take a long view, fart!"

Fang Xing felt that he had been calculated. The anger in his heart was burning. How could he listen to advice!

Liu Pu heard of one thing. In the past, Zhu Zhanji wandered in class. As a result, Fang woke up and was very angry. He threw something down on the spot.

I\'m not Huang TAISUN! If you talk again, will you be

Liu Pu\'s eyes turned on the teacup in Fang Xing\'s hand, and then gave Dong PI a wink.

Man, it\'s your turn!

After seeing Liu Pu, Dong PI was actually shocked, so he didn\'t dare to hide his foolishness any more. He hurriedly advised: "Mr. Fang, you don\'t need to go to the military headquarters in person. Just ask your little uncle to bring a message to the shishilang."