Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 103

Hu Guang left contentedly. Before leaving, he impolitely took away a gift: a bag of stewed pig feet, which he said was used to drink at night.

After hearing this, Zhang Shuhui was also dissatisfied and said, "husband, this arithmetic is your knowledge. How can those people teach it if they don\'t pay attention to the teacher and don\'t pay attention to the discipline?"

Fang Xing said weakly, "forget the old fox. Besides, arithmetic is not so easy to learn. Let\'s see."

Fang woke up at this time. The purpose of Hu Guang\'s trip seems to be arithmetic, but the real purpose is probably to tell Zhu Zhanji through his mouth and transfer it to Zhu Di.

——Your majesty, as soon as I received the will, I Hu Guang began to make arrangements!

In the early morning of the next day, when Fang woke up and was interrupted by the knock on the door of the servant girl, he knew that Hu Guang was particular about things.

"What\'s up?"

Fang woke up and couldn\'t give up. He grabbed two full hands and got up to go out in Zhang Shuhui\'s vague whisper.

The servant girls outside the door seem to have just got up, and their clothes are a little untidy.

I said! It\'s not early in the morning trying to seduce me, is it?

Fang Xing was alert and ready to retreat, but the servant girl said, "young master, there are several people standing at the door, and their bodies are wet."

Fang woke up to look at the time and scolded, "it\'s only Mao hour. Which psycho will block the door!"

He hurriedly dressed and rubbed his eyes as he walked. When he reached the gate, Xin Laoqi was already blocked there.

"Young master, these four people have been standing at the door since the beginning of Yin. They don\'t speak when they ask. If they hadn\'t looked at them without weapons, they would have taken them."

Fang woke up and felt a little headache. At the beginning of Yin, it was about three o\'clock. At this time, the gate was blocked. It seems that it\'s not a small matter!


As soon as I opened the gate, I saw four men standing outside, their bodies wet with dew, with some things in their hands. When Fang woke up, his face was full of surprises. He knelt down and shouted:

"See you, teacher."

Four times, Fang woke up, quickly flashed, and then asked, "what do you mean when I say a few?"

Xin Laoqi pulled out his knife and stared at these people coldly.

The four people were stunned, and then a young man came forward and said, "disciple Yao Ping, Ambassador of Hubu Jiazi library, came to visit the teacher today."

It seems that they have all been discussed. The remaining three begin to introduce themselves immediately.

"Disciple Qian Ming, deputy envoy of a font library, paid a visit to the teacher."

"Disciple Bao Chao mentions the prosecutor Yang Chengyuan of the Department and pays a visit to the teacher."

"Disciple... The Ministry of war, together with LAN Binglie, deputy envoy of the museum, paid a visit to the teacher."

Fang Xing rubbed his eyes and was about to refuse, but Hu Guang\'s warm smile suddenly appeared in his mind.

Like a spring breeze!

Hu Guang of sleeping trough NIMA! This is forcing me to accept disciples!

But looking at these people like a drowned chicken, and the bacon in his hands was also wet, Fang woke up with some softness in his heart.

At least these are easy to learn, so teach them easily.

"Get up, old seven."

Several men stood up and wiped the dew on their faces with their hands, showing their joy.

This is Huang TAISUN\'s teacher! It is said that he has considerable attainments in arithmetic. Although they dare not tell Huang TAISUN about their classmates, they can learn their skills and get more attention.

"Old seven, first ask someone to burn a fire and take them to dry themselves."

These four people are different in height, fat and thin. It\'s impossible to change clothes. It\'s good to dry them.

Fang woke up and yawned back. He went to bed vaguely. He hugged Zhang Shuhui and fell asleep again.

Although I got up once on the way, Fang woke up and found that she was in good spirits.

When Fang woke up for breakfast and asked about the four people, he knew that they were all following Ma su.

Ah! They are very conscious!

Fang Xing walked slowly to the front yard and saw that the four people were sweating and eating breakfast with Ma su.

"Elder martial brother, did the teacher eat?"

"The teacher didn\'t do exercises today. He must have eaten in the inner yard."

How could Ma Su be the opponent of these old ghosts? He was coaxed to look like a senior brother and promised to solve their problems in private.

When Liu Pu arrived, Ma Su had four more attendants behind him, which made him almost regret his intestines.

This is also a group of nine grade officials, and there is real power in their hands. Don\'t be too impressed with this kind of attendant!


Fang woke up and saw that they all knew each other and were too lazy to make another introduction, so he began his lecture.

At this time, we can see the benefits of learning again for people who have experienced practice. Basically, they wake up and say something. Even if they don\'t understand, they will accumulate problems and wait for their own research after class, or ask the head teacher.

After a class, Fang woke up with a dry tongue. After class, he was surrounded by four new disciples, especially Yao Ping, who was very sweet.

Fang woke up and couldn\'t bear the disturbance, so he had to lead the way: "go to your senior brother masu. He will give a lecture later, and you can listen to it."

Although these people have the basic skills of arithmetic, they are the first to come into contact with Arabic numerals, so they are a little astringent to learn. They are suitable for masu to practice.

Fang Xing got rid of several older students and quickly dispersed, leaving masu surrounded.

As for Liu Pu, the goods have to listen to Ma Su\'s lectures. How can they be qualified to teach students!

In fact, these people can add, subtract, multiply and divide, but they are blind when it comes to higher things, so it seems a little mediocre in practical application.

The four students began to wonder if Fang Xing meant to throw the pot, but when they listened to the class with the servants and the children of the farmers, they found that most of them didn\'t understand.

Well, since we can\'t even compare with children, let\'s learn well, but we\'re ashamed.

So that later there was a rumor that the children of fangjiazhuang could directly go to the household department to be the cashier, which made outsiders feel a little confused and fierce.

Fortunately, the little princess didn\'t come these two days, otherwise the four new students might have to kneel.

Huang TAISUN is his student. The little princess takes him here as a nursery. Such grace and trust are really the only one!

Although he didn\'t bring the little princess, Liang Zhong brought a good news, that is, Youjun.

As a eunuch, Liang Zhong can even go to the prince\'s bedroom. Of course, Fang Xing\'s home is nothing.

After they sat down in the study in the inner courtyard, Liang Zhong said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, your highness TAISUN begged your majesty a few days ago and wanted to draw thousands of people from the young army to practice alone. As a result, your majesty approved more than 1000 people."

Fang Xing was stunned and said, "that\'s a good thing! There are countless senior generals in Beijing. If the crown prince comes out, there must be people training troops."

Liang Zhong was still smiling, but Fang woke up and almost slipped down from his chair.

"Mr. Fang, your highness TAISUN wants you to train."

Fang Xing supported the handrail with both hands and said in surprise, "I said Lao Liang, you didn\'t come to deceive me today? As soon as I introduced myself, let alone training, even my servants only dared to practice secretly under the name of TAISUN for ten times."

"More than a thousand? I don\'t want to test how fast your Majesty\'s blade is!"