Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 102

In the early morning, the misty fog made fangjiazhuang look dusty.

After waking up, Fang asked Ma Su to teach first, while he himself took Ling Dang and Xin Laoqi on a parade.

The farmers have been working for a long time. They can\'t see clearly in the fog. When they approach, they will exclaim, young master.

Fang Xing always had sugar in his pocket. When he saw the child working for adults, he stuffed one and filled the whole spring with sweetness.

Walking to the edge of the canal, more than a dozen Lijiazhuang households who were repairing the canal stood in fear when they saw Fang awake.

They dare not run, because if the canal is not repaired, this year\'s spring ploughing will be over.

Fang woke up and looked at the farmers in patched clothes. They looked cold and didn\'t leave for a long time.

After Fang woke up and left, these farmers all sighed.

"Look at other people\'s young masters. They rush to the front when they fight. They\'re not like our one!"

"Don\'t tell me. Yesterday, young master Fang threw some things and blinded my eyes."

"Then how can you see it again today?"

"Hey! Stop talking. I heard that the young master set up a running water banquet in the villa yesterday. The whole villa went to eat. It\'s all big fat, all big fat..."

"More than that? I have a relative in fangjiazhuang. He said there was wine yesterday! I heard it was Royal wine."


Fang Xing began to walk back, but he was inexplicably unhappy in his heart.

It\'s also a farmer, but Li Jiazhuang wears ragged clothes and looks like a dish.

Xin Laoqi, who had been silent all the time, asked at this time, "young master, are we going to dig up his canal?"

"Dig a fart!"

Fang woke up and sighed, "they are all poor people. We are happy to dig, but if the spring ploughing of Li family village is delayed, what will these farmers do?"

Seeing the relief of Xin Laoqi\'s face, Fang woke up and couldn\'t help kicking him.

It\'s obvious that the goods don\'t have the heart to do such immoral things, so they speak to test themselves.

Fang Xing stamped his painful foot and said with some sentimental: "Li Mao and his son don\'t live on this Chuang Tzu, but those farmers don\'t have surplus food!"

Liu Pu came and apologized for asking for leave a few days ago.

Fang Xing picked up the book, pressed his hand and said, "sit down."

"Today, let me talk about the role of statistics in all aspects..."

After a dull class, Liu Pu hurried over: "brother Dehua, I heard there was a fight here yesterday? It\'s a pity I wasn\'t there!"

Fang Xing stared at him and scolded, "do you still want to kick the old man in Beishan and punch the children in the South China Sea?"


When Fang woke up and left, Liu Pucai asked Ma Su, "brother Dehua, what\'s the matter?"

Ma Su was sorting out his notes and said, "I don\'t know, but I\'m not in a good mood."

Yesterday\'s victory joy has turned into depression today. Fang woke up lazily and returned to the backyard, lying on the chair and watching Xiaobai and lingdang playing hide and seek.

Zhang Shuhui also felt that Fang Xing was a little stuffy today, so she asked.

Fang Xing vomited a sullen breath and said, "in the morning, I saw that the farmers in Li family villa were dressed in rags and had dishes on their faces, so I felt some inexplicable discomfort in my heart."

Zhang Shuhui slapped Xiaobai who came over to eavesdrop, and then advised: "husband, you are a scholar, but think about it, there are more than ten million farmers in Daming, don\'t you think?"

You are a woman\'s pity!

Zhang Shuhui certainly didn\'t mean that, but Fang woke up.

"Yes, there are more than ten million poor people in Daming. It\'s not just Li Jiazhuang who wants to change."

"Daming needs to find an opportunity to gradually adjust with the silent reform of moistening things, especially the farmers and small farmers..."

Fang Xing wrote a letter to Zhu Zhanji. After writing it, he handed it to Jia Quan.

Just after seeing Jia Quan off, Xin Laoqi came to report that there were some idle people in the village.


In the field of fangjiazhuang, seedling raising has begun at this time, and the farmers are carefully weeding on the side.

Fang woke up and soon saw an old man chatting with the dealer, with several followers standing behind him.

It\'s an old man. In fact, he\'s in his forties. He\'s wearing a Taoist robe. I don\'t know which mountain he thought he was from.

The old man smiled and ended the conversation. The other party woke up and said, "I\'m Hu Guang, but you\'re Fang Dehua?"

Fang Xingxing first felt that the name was familiar, and then remembered the name of the.

"It\'s Mr. Hu! Why did you come to my rural area today? You also invited your family to serve tea."

Fang Xing walked back with Hu Guang, thinking about the past of the great scholar.

Hu Guang, a Bachelor of Hanlin academy and a Bachelor of Zuo Chunfang, can be regarded as an important minister in the "cabinet".

This man was originally ranked when he took part in the imperial examination, but their performance since then proved that emperor Jianwen really had no eyes: when Zhu Di entered Jinling City, several officials were discussing whether to die for his country.

At that time, Hu Guangzhi was impassioned and had the intention to find a rope to hang immediately, while Wang Jingzhi just cried.

The last fact is very funny. The impassioned Hu Guang invested in Zhu Di, while the crying Wang Jingzhi died of emperor Jianwen.

Hu Guang is also watching Fang Xing. After arriving at the front hall, Fang Xing just offers tea and does not ask Hu Guang about his purpose.

Little fox!

Hu Guang drank not very good tea and looked at the layout of the front hall slowly.

If you change your family and see the great scholar visiting, it is estimated that the whole family will have to be terrified and want to give everything to please the great scholar.

But Fang woke up, but it\'s just when there\'s no desire. He knows that this is a weasel to pay New Year\'s greetings to the chicken. The cliff is not good.

After a long standoff, Hu Guangcai coughed and said, "Dehua, I heard you are also proficient in martial arts?"

"Nothing. Who spread the rumor? Old... I have to find him desperately."

Fang Xing said angrily.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Seeing that Fang woke up and couldn\'t take the move, Hu Guang smiled and said, "Alas, it\'s pathetic. Your majesty sent a message in Beiping that mahamu of tile thorn was good at attacking himself and attacking alutai to prepare food and grass for the middle of the court."

Zhu Di wants to march north again!

Fang Xing arched his hands to the north and said, "Your Majesty is holy!"

Hu Guang was really at a loss this time. He reluctantly arched his hands at the north, and then said, "Dehua, to tell the truth, your majesty is preparing for the Northern Expedition next year, but this grain, grass and ordnance must be prepared now."

But what does this have to do with me?

Fang Xing\'s confused appearance made Hu Guang bite his teeth secretly and thought to himself, won\'t you take the initiative when my great bachelor visits?

"I heard that Dehua\'s arithmetic is good. Can you do the Ministry of household a favor and teach some students?"

That\'s it! So you said no?

Fang woke up and said, "it\'s a small thing. It\'s just that people who come to study had better have some skills, otherwise the progress may be very slow if they start from scratch."

Seeing Fang Xing\'s promise, Hu Guang stroked his beard and said, "it\'s said that you teach for Anyuan Bo\'s legitimate son every morning. In this way, you don\'t bother the two heads. Can you allow people from the household department to attend?"

Are you tired of going around!

Fang woke up and now he knows the purpose of the goods.

This is to steal the teacher!