Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 305

North dog country is already very remote, located in the northwest corner of the whole Dongzhou.

Here is a high-altitude mountain plain, covered with snow. There is no sign of human activities in the vast area.

Even friars generally don\'t appear in this snow field, because it\'s farther north, which is the gathering place of Dongzhou demons.

North dog country seems to be stuck at a very key node. Although there are many demon countries to the south, there are few big demons. But further north, it is basically the territory of a big demon living alone.

Living alone is not easy to deal with and provoke, because they are carefree, can be completely unruly, and will be very troublesome.

However, because it is far away from Jianzong and Dongzhou humanitarian area, the "jiantu mountain Patrol" of Jianzong does not require to reach the far north.

But Su Li will continue to move forward after finishing his trip to beidog country... After all, his purpose is to explore the source of the mother river.

Su Li found the North dog country on the peak of a big snow mountain... Or it was a mountain city built on the top of the snow mountain!

On a white snow field, there is a large black area, in which the evil spirit is shrouded without any concealment.

If the southern dog country is a peaceful and natural place, then the northern dog country is a sharp edge, competing with heaven and earth.

Su Li didn\'t try to get close to the demon city. In fact, the demon countries he passed all the way passed by were in the edge area without entering their core area.

After all, it is the core of the demon family. He is not sure what kind of treatment he will suffer if he rashly enters it

So in the place where we can see the Xueling mountain city, Su Li released his sword cliff meaning according to the old rules

Sword cliff soared into the sky and soon alerted the dog demons in the Xueling mountain city.

Just to Su Li\'s surprise, this time the dog demon didn\'t come out immediately, but waited for a long time and no one answered

This made him a little angry, so the sword cliff was towering, and the infinite heavy meaning began to spread, and even the dog demons in the demon city faintly felt the suppression of the spirit.

But even so, the responder did not appear.

For another period of time, when Su Li couldn\'t help but increase his sense of oppression, there was finally something in the demon city

An old dog took off and landed on the snow field under the mountain city, and then came to Su Li step by step.

"My opponent is you?" Sully frowned, which was completely different from what he thought.

He could see that the old dog was not a disaster animal at all, not even a trace of disaster animal blood. And the strength is not strong, just barely the high section of the real demon... If you really want to calculate, even the meat sausage is not afraid of it.

The old dog sighed helplessly, but said coldly and wearily, "now this northern dog country is presided over by me. If the swordsman doesn\'t dislike it, I can take the liberty to fight."

This is an old woman\'s voice that even speaks with weakness, and the thick fatigue is full of irreducible sorrow.

Su Li was not interested in the monster\'s mind, but he really couldn\'t stand his "swordsman patrolling the mountain". At this time, he unexpectedly met such an opponent.

"What about the disaster beast? Isn\'t the royal family in the northern dog country a disaster beast?" Su Li asked impolitely... Obviously, he saw a lot of the strength of the old dog at all.

The old bitch was not surprised. Facing the doubt, she just sighed: "disaster beast? Where is there any disaster beast in the North dog country now... The father and son just regard this as an inn that comes and goes whenever they want. How can I have the position of hundreds of dog demons and large and small demon families in Xueling mountain city? How can I be my wife and mother!"

The old bitch complained a lot. Maybe he had held these words in his heart for too long.

"... well, I\'ll leave this invitation to you." Su Li said no more... Although he wondered why the old dog had a different degree of trust in him, he decided to complete his mission.

So he gave the invitation of Jianzong\'s establishment to the other party

The old dog then turned into an old woman with half of her body in dog state, trembled and took the invitation and looked at it

Su Li could have walked away, but out of politeness, she waited in place until the old woman finished reading the invitation.

But unexpectedly, the old dog demon\'s reaction was a little strange. He was surprised and said: "the sword sect is going to establish a religion? The old man will be very happy to know... Just the sword disciple, can you tell me where your sect leader took my old man?"

"Eh?" Su Li was surprised... When did Ji Lian make friends with the disaster animals here?

"Don\'t the swordsman know? Our old man has a thousand years of friendship with your sword clan." the old dog demon woman said in a long way:

"Thousands of years ago, your former swordsman, that is, the later leader of the sword sect, came here. Then the old man didn\'t fight with him and didn\'t know him. It was like old times at first sight."

"This friendship lasted nearly 800 years, that is, about 200 years ago, your patriarch suddenly brought many people through here and said there was something important to deal with... As a result, the old man followed without saying a word and left our orphan and widowed mother alone."

"Even if the old man hasn\'t returned for 200 years, my heartless son left me ten years ago... What a sin..."

Su Li helplessly listened to this complaint and subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch the dog\'s head in his chest pocket... The man who ran away from home should be the father of meat intestines? It looks like an unreliable.

But ran away ten years ago? It sounds like it coincides with the time when he met meat sausage. Don\'t elope with mingyueji!

The love and hatred of this litter of dogs really confused Su Li. He sighed helplessly, and then said to the old dog and woman, "the sword clan leader you said should be our previous clan leader. Can you tell me where they went?"

Su Li is also very interested in the whereabouts of the former patriarch... The patriarch between Xia Ming and Ji Lian is really lost. It\'s very strange.

Even Su Li occasionally asked about his master Gu Yuzi. He kept it a secret. He just said it was a secret of the sect. Don\'t ask more.

At that time, he didn\'t pursue it, but he didn\'t expect to meet the intelligence of the former patriarch here... He couldn\'t help being completely interested.

Because with the disappearance of the former patriarch, there are almost two whole generations!

The two generations of xuanyuzi and xuansu are all forgotten by the world... Even Xia Ming and xuanyuzi, who have become the Yang God, seem to unconsciously ignore these mysterious missing disciples of the sword sect.

"Of course..."

"Let me see..."

"Strange, why can\'t you remember?"

The old dog and woman made a confused sound, and then even choked and said, "strange, why can\'t I remember anything? Old man, where\'s my old man?"

"Where\'s my old man?"

It seems a little crazy, and then it doesn\'t care about Su Li, so it trembles back

Su Li watched it leave, but his heart was heavy... It seems that another mission has been added to his journey.

Where did the two generations of missing disciples of Jianzong go?

There was no direction before, but now he at least knows where to go... There will always be some clues in the north and west of beidog country?