Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 306

Su Li didn\'t mean to let the sausage recognize the dog and the old woman. It seems that his father is very unreliable. Forget it

After leaving beidog country, Su Li did not continue to go north, but went west again... This is a wetland under the mountains and an important water storage point passed by the upper reaches of the mother river.

Of course, it is also the last stop of the sword sect\'s "sword disciples patrol the mountain". This wetland is also known as the "Jiaolong country".

This is completely different from the failure of Huajiao that Su Li met before. There is a real Jiaolong here!

Although this dragon is only at the top level, it is different from ordinary demons. It already knows the cause and effect of merit and virtue. Therefore, it is also very quiet in this wetland. It gathers demons, but it has never been evil. It even has the merit of suppressing groundwater veins.

But among the maps and invitations given by Xia Ming, here is the top priority.

Because the Jianzong doesn\'t care whether the Jiaolong is good or bad. Anyway, if they don\'t accept it, they will fight... So the disputes between the Jianzong and the Jiaolong country are the most intense.

It\'s just that the dragon is powerful, even if it\'s just the degree of the peak demon, but the actual combat power has been comparable to the real immortal. So even if the sword sect is fierce, there is no good way to take it.

So Su Li was more careful when he came to this plateau wetland. If the dragon made trouble, he couldn\'t bear it.

But something unexpected happened to him... He came to this place that should have been Jiaolong country, but it was silent without any sign of demon clan activities.

At first glance, it looks like a grassland on the plateau, but when you walk in and look again, you can find that these grasses are floating grasses covered on the water. Under these floating grasses, there is a vast water field.

This is the wetland on the plateau, which is formed by the convergence of glacier melt water. The water is clear but dangerous.

He patted the head of the dog patting the sausage. It leaned out its head and sniffed hard. Then it seemed to find something, and then instructed Su Li to go in one direction.

Su Li nodded to the storm.

So the frame is suspended on the wetland and moves forward at a uniform speed


The sausage gave a cry.

Stop the car immediately.

Su Li felt strangely... There was a grass mat like the ground below, but if he really stepped on it, he would certainly fall into the water.

Under the water pit is a thick mud layer. Anyone who falls in will be swallowed up by the viscous mud.

This is the danger of plateau wetlands, which may devour a life at any time.

But this is not the reason for the sausage chirp... It brought Su Li here because it smelled some special smell residues

Su Li continued to perceive, and even Shanyin could perceive the earth vein at a distance. It was in this thick mud that he sensed some kind of huge buried thing!

This thing is very huge, but it is a dead thing

He knew the meaning of meat intestines leading him, so under the condition of Lian Shanyin, he began to cast the earth control spell

The mud at the foot began to roll upward from the bottom, and the grass mats on the water began to fluctuate and emit muddy blisters, as if some big devil was going to break the seal.

The huge object buried in the mud was also pulled out a little bit in the rolling blister... Then the grass mat separated and exposed the water surface like boiling

A moment later, a huge skeleton rose from the water, gradually revealing the white bone and the residual horror and evil spirit

Su Li couldn\'t even rise out of the water completely, but he just looked at his skull

"No mistake, it\'s a dragon skeleton... It looks fresh. In terms of the intensity of its residual Demon power, the time of death should be within 300 years." Encyclopedia grandpa made his own experience judgment.

Su Li still believes in this judgment, but it hurts... I thought the Jiaolong would be very troublesome before, and it died?

"See if there\'s anything else here?" Su Li ordered the sausage... The dog\'s smell is still very useful at this time.

Su Li directly ordered his servant to take away the Dragon skeleton and throw it back to the elder martial brothers of the weapon gate. Maybe he can make some good equipment

Speaking of this, Su liquai thought of his plan to recast chongjun again... Well, when this thing is over, he must study the refining tool well, and he must.

The sausage was soon found again. Its small head had pointed in one direction and kept sniffing. Su Li also immediately moved over and sensed it with Lian Shanyin.

... sure enough, I found another monster skeleton.

He raised the monster skeleton to the water in the same way, and then continued to let the storm collect it.

Then four or five large bones were found one after another... It may be that the strength of monsters is often consistent with their body size, so these large monster bones were soon found by meat intestines.

These should be the big demons in Jiaolong, but I didn\'t expect that they all died here.

At this time, he came over with an ugly face and said, "young master, there are no scars on the bones of these big demons. They died strangely."

Su Li hesitated. All the demons, including Jiaolong, had no scars... At least they died without any scars on their bones... It seems that there are many secrets about the collapse of Jiaolong country.

If you continue to explore here, you may encounter danger... But Su Li suddenly felt that the two generations of Jianzong disappearing would also be related to this?

He struggled in his heart, then pondered, "let\'s go, let\'s continue."

Keep moving forward, not only because the front may explore the clues of the disappeared elders, but also Su Li\'s original travel plan.

The meat intestines continued to smell, and they turned north all the way... Similarly, the remains of a big demon were excavated along the road

Later, Su Li didn\'t even ask the meat intestines to look for it, but walked along the direction of the water vein under his perception. On the way, he found a lot of big demon bones.

Until I walked out of this wetland, I found eight demon corpses and one Jiaolong corpse... It can be seen how powerful the Jiaolong country was in those years, which is not necessarily comparable to the top bulk gate in Dongzhou.

On the north side of the wetland, a small river with slow water potential winds northward... This is what the source area of the mother river looks like. In fact, it is just a small river formed by glacier melt water.

Along the river, Su Li continued to walk

He has an inexplicable premonition. Maybe if he goes a little further, he can see the clue