Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 304

The pure white bright moon Ji was suddenly stunned. She couldn\'t make a sound for a moment.

But the white dog guard suddenly said, "please don\'t slander the royal highness of the princess. Holy is like her, how can you stay with the black dog?!"

Su Li doesn\'t speak... It seems that the white dog guard admires mingyueji closely, but he doesn\'t know that he has had a baby with a "black dog".

Mingyueji suddenly paused, and then turned into a human shape in the bright white moonlight... Her long silver hair as bright as stars, gentle and beautiful face, and tall figure... This is an almost perfect shape, and the only defect is the \'bib\' of white fluff wrapped around her neck.

Su Li can recognize that it should be a dog\'s tail, which is also the only defect of Mingyue Ji\'s shape... When she completely removes the dog\'s tail like a scarf, she is a real shape demon.

Mingyueji looked very strange. She seemed to want to say something, but she wanted to talk and stopped. She deliberately suppressed it. Finally, she said to the loyal white dog guard around her: "white guard, you step down first. I have nothing important to talk about with the sword."

The white dog guard hesitated a little, but finally bowed his head and promised: "yes, princess, but please be careful."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine." mingyueji nodded gently to the white guard.

The white guard had no choice but to turn and leave.

At this time, Su Li also waved to the violent drum around him and said, "you also step back first."

He obeyed his orders and left.

Then Su Li and mingyueji waited quietly at the same time until they were sure that no one was bothered ten minutes later

"Can I see it?" mingyueji asked softly.

Su Li frowned, just patted the bulging pocket on his chest and didn\'t speak.

But in that pocket, it suddenly came out: "woo Hoo ~"

An awkward cry seemed to say: no!

But mingyueji suddenly shook. She just heard the sound and could be sure that the little thing in her pocket was her child!

"My child... Let mom see how you are?"

"Woo Hoo ~"

The sausage replied very firmly.

Mingyueji suddenly showed a sad look. She sighed and said, "you\'re hating your mother, aren\'t you?"

It really doesn\'t want to face its parents. It doesn\'t mean hatred, but it just doesn\'t know what to do after seeing it?

Leave its owner? It\'s impossible. It\'s impossible to kill him... He won\'t leave Su Li all his life. In that case, what can happen after meeting?

But Su Li hopes it can face all this... If only he is in his life, it seems too sad.

The sausage felt the heart of its master, and it finally showed its head from its pocket.

"Are you finally willing to see me?" mingyueji was a little excited... She looked at the reduced sausage and felt that she liked it more and more... This is her own baby.

However, after the meat sausage showed its head, its limbs grabbed Su Li\'s skirt and climbed all the way up, then climbed onto Su Li\'s shoulder, and its small head rubbed Su Li\'s cheek

It seems to say: I have you, that\'s enough.

Rouchang\'s attachment to Su Li made mingyueji sad for a while. She knew the reason, but she couldn\'t change anything in the end

But then she smiled happily and said, "at least, you take good care of it..."

Of course, she took good care of her... Mingyueji could sense that her little boy, who was born only ten years ago, had already achieved true demon cultivation!

This kind of speed is much faster than the pure moon dog or disaster beast... It can be seen that its owner must be cultivating it very carefully.

What reassured her more was that the meat sausage relied on Su Li more than usual... This showed that its owner really loved it and didn\'t dislike it at all because of its abnormal blood lineage.

"Thank you for taking care of it so well." mingyueji stabilized her mood and said in a sad voice.

Su Li saw the performance of meat sausage and understood its intention. He could only say: "I just want to take it to meet his parents. After all, its life is still long... I\'ve seen it now, so I\'ll leave."

"Wait!" mingyueji hurriedly called Su Li and said, "it\'s rare to come once. Why don\'t you stay a little longer?"

Su Li said, "since it doesn\'t want to at this time, why force it? The future is long. As a demon family, your days are still long."

"So... I see." mingyueji is really a wise dog demon, and she quickly figured out what to do. Holding back the thoughts and pain in her heart, she took two steps back and stopped pestering.

Su Li felt a little relieved, and then remembered his task, so he handed the invitation to teach Jianya.

After seeing it, mingyueji suddenly looked a little moved. Then she showed a very gentle and meaningful smile and said, "Su Li... Can I call you that?"

Su Li nodded... The mother of meat sausage can call him whatever he wants.

"Well, Su Li, I will personally go to celebrate on behalf of nandog country when Jianya teaches in three years." she looked very happy.

Su Li was slightly stunned, then nodded and said, "then I\'ll see you in three years."

He has a feeling that Mingyue Ji will not leave after three years... But it is a good thing for the sword cliff sect at that time... It is a good luck to have Mingyue dog to protect the Dharma.

So Su Li said goodbye to mingyueji again. This time she didn\'t stop her, but looked at Su Li\'s back with a very eager eye... Or the little dog on his shoulder

Meat sausage is also slightly looking at mingyueji... There is no nostalgia in her eyes, but she is just curious.

In the heart of meat sausage, mingyueji, who is white and hairy, is not like it at all. She is a nondescript freak. How can she have a relationship with such a gentle and beautiful Mingyuegou?

Su Li stretched out his hand and scratched gently on his dog\'s head, but some worries didn\'t come out

Of course, he also hopes that sausage can always be with him... But as he said earlier, their days are still long!

For such a long time, no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents in the future, and he can\'t guarantee that he can live forever... Especially now he has been exposed to the struggle of God.

He was alone without scruples, but he wanted to find a way back for the sausage... At least one day, he could no longer rely on him, but his relatives could give him a reason to continue to live

At that time, he sat next to the huge demon bear body, with blood stains lying on his mouth, but he kept shaking his tail and watching him. The picture was always deeply depicted in Su Li\'s brain. This picture warmed his heart at that time, but in retrospect, it only worried him

"Next, the northern dog Kingdom... Well, maybe your father will look fierce..." Su Li scratched his intestines\' head and whispered.

"Woo, woo, woo ~"

Meat intestines have a round mouth and look very cute.

But its voice seemed to say: if you dare to show your teeth, beat it!

"Ha ha, what you said is..." Su Li smiled.