Sword Sect Side Gate

Chapter 303

South dog country, this is Su Li\'s next goal.

Even though the sausage seemed to be very resistant, Su Li came here with it. On the one hand, the swordsman needs to patrol the mountain, on the other hand, he hopes that Rouchang can find his parents.

... this is a strange forest. It\'s daytime when you enter, but it seems that you can see the faint shadow of the moon overhead through the dense leaves.

In the dark and quiet woodland, it seems that all the noise can be removed. Even a little movement can make a big noise

Su Li\'s carriage made a "rustling" sound all the way, which caused great movement in the forest land and made the violent crane very nervous when driving.

But just then Su Li got out of the car and came to the driver\'s seat. He said, "let\'s walk together. Don\'t drive."

After listening to this, he quickly stopped the frame and put it into his storage equipment. Then he walked carefully with Su Li in the forest land where the moon shadow flashed.

"Don\'t be so nervous... This woodland is very friendly. If you are calm, you will find that it is opening its arms to welcome you."

At first, he was completely confused about this, but when he thought about his young master\'s usual style, he put down all his vigilance, and then began to walk without saying a word.

Then slowly he felt what this feeling of "being welcomed" was. He gradually heard the voice in the quiet forest... It turned out that it had its own voice, but if he was wary, he would never listen.

So he was gradually embraced by the forest, and slowly heard the sound of branches and leaves rubbing in the forest, as well as the faint sound of insects and cowardly little animals

Outside, he and Su Li gradually stopped making any sound. They seemed to be part of the forest and walked through the forest silently

This is really a magical forest. Su Li knew that it was just their voice gradually integrated into the forest.

The advantage of doing so is that people can easily enter the situation of feeling nature... Just like the storm, the servant of "love Epiphany" seems to have realized something.

Su Li was very curious about the feeling that it seemed to be integrated with the whole forest, because he found that it seemed to be a very special magic. The whole forest was a magic array derived from five elements... This kind of magic attainments exceeded his imagination and could be practically indistinguishable from reality.

Just as they were moving forward, they accidentally met a guard.

This is a beige dog demon. Although standing in human shape, the whole head and tail still retain the characteristics of dogs. It is slender and strong, wearing moon white armor as elegant as a dress, holding a long, cold Ge, standing quietly in the Forest waiting for the arrival of the two.

I have to say that this is not the strongest real demon Su Li has ever met, but it is definitely the most stylish monster.

"Outsiders stop. This is the moonlight forest land of Nangou country. If it\'s not important, please don\'t break in without permission."

His voice is very calm and thick. He is also a rare and polite monster.

He is stylish, polite, and still a dog demon... Su Li looked down at the dog in his girdle who refused to show his head. He couldn\'t help muttering \'other people\'s dog\'

"I\'m Su Li, but I\'m a sword disciple of the sword sect." Su Li also responded gently.

The dog demon immediately became cautious. The hair on his dog\'s head seemed to stand up. Then he said, "swordsman, wait a minute, we\'ll report it now."

He jerked his nose, then opened his mouth and barked at the dog behind him.

Suddenly, two white dogs behind him heard it and immediately turned around and ran away... It seems that the southern dog country is in the depths of the forest.

Su Li waited patiently, but he was very curious about the country where the sausage mother lived, so he asked, "are all white dogs in your southern dog country?"

The genie frowned and seemed reluctant to answer the question. But after hesitation, he said, "most white dogs here are just because the coat color of dogs enjoying the glory of the Lord will naturally \'moonlight\', not only white dogs here."

Su Li was more interested. He asked, "what do you mean, the great demon Mingyue Lord, the peak of Nangou country? I heard that he was once the Dharma protector of Jingguang temple. Later, after the Jingguang Temple monk left the immortal city, he returned to the mountain to establish Nangou country."

"I don\'t know about the Lord." the handsome dog demon said nothing with a cold face.

Su Li feels a little boring. The dog is handsome, but it\'s a little rigid.

Unconsciously, Su Li had a strange atmosphere in his heart... Peace and harmony, as if all the filth were being washed and purified.

So if he turned his head and looked, he saw an indescribable big white dog coming here gracefully.

Obviously, it is a dog, but it clearly has a kind of demure and elegance like a girl in a family.

The whole body is snow-white without a trace of mottled hair. It is moderate in length and looks soft without being too fierce. The dog\'s head seemed to have a moon ring flashing, and a pair of black and white eyes were very pure.

Su Li looked at the big dog and was familiar with it

"Contemporary swordsman... Next mingyueji is the one who competes with you this time in Nangou country." the beautiful big dog language is warm and pleasant, which is really very gentle.

"Duel? Forget it." Su Li couldn\'t think of such a gentle and kind dog demon at all, not to mention the gentle moon Ji... His hand pressed on the pocket in his chest and gently clicked to let the meat intestines come out to say hello.

Mingyue Ji is not surprised. The particularity of Nangou country and Mingyue dog often makes Jianzong feel relieved about them.

But when it still wanted to say something, it suddenly twitched its nose, then subconsciously put its head together and kept breathing in short

This move was obviously impolite, but Su Li didn\'t stop it. On the contrary, I feel that mingyueji has a feeling of "exhaling like orchid".

"It\'s impolite... It\'s just the smell on your body. Mingyueji seems to have smelled it." mingyueji noticed her gaffe, stepped back two steps and said apologetically.

It\'s no wonder she can\'t remember, because Su Li at the age of eight must be very different from now, not only in appearance, but also in taste... At least his strong merit has been changing his taste.

"We met once in the split mountain... With a big black dog." Su Li said suddenly.