Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3445

Rong Zhen hides. Even if she calls now, she can't call out. Anyin hasn't eaten for two days. She sits in front of a pile of quilt rolls. It's better to go out and replenish her physical strength.


An Yin said to the quilt roll, "Mom, I went out to eat. Yueyue, you play well. Don't step on the old man. "

Qin Yue shrinks in the quilt, covers the mouth, and Rong Zhen big eyes stare small eyes, "Yue Yue doesn't speak."

An Yin: "it's just

Evening Jin Yan and so on an Yin left the room, closed the door, sat down on one side of the chair, looking at the bed began to restless quilt roll, eyes darkened.

Zhao Yan since an Yin and Mu Jin Yan into the room, has been looking at the door of the room, see an Yin out, nervous face is stiff.

"Is your mother OK?" asked master Rong

An Yin did not answer the words of Rong Laozi, "she and Yue Yue are playing, did not say on the words, now the evening Jin speech accompanies nearby."

Mr. Rong nodded his head.

Zhao Yan took a deep breath. If he didn't say anything, he couldn't ask any more.

Waiting for an Yin to come out, evening Shu Lan immediately came up to pull her, "the food is good, but some are still hot, you eat some of this cushion."

The dishes she brought from home were not enough for so many people to eat. She had to wait for Aunt Wang's dishes to stir fry, but it would take more than ten minutes to finish cooking.

When an Yin came into the room just now, I heard that an Yin had not eaten for two days and a night. Let alone about ten minutes, she was not willing to let anyin wait for a minute.

"Good." Anyin is really hungry, and she doesn't want to brush the evening Shulan in front of so many people.

Evening Shu Lan see an Yin obedient, happy, immediately turned around to install two bowls of soup, by soup, more meat, put on the table.

She heard that guluan, like anyin, did not eat for two days. She said to her, "you and an Yin have some first."

Gu Luan didn't expect to have her share. She was stunned for a moment and looked at the people around her. For the first time, she felt embarrassed and said, "I don't need it."

An Yin took Qin Jian's two pairs of chopsticks. "My mother-in-law has installed them. Don't be polite."

When she heard the three words "my mother-in-law", she was in full bloom.

Rong Laozi said: "a bowl of soup, also on the matter of three or two mouthfuls, first warm stomach, after a while can open stomach to eat."

Guluan see words on this, also not good again polite, "then I am embarrassed."

Guluan was born in the emperor's house. The children of the emperor's house ate by themselves from childhood. They were cold and quiet. Later, they were sealed in the underground palace, so they didn't even have to eat the cold and clean rice.

After he came out, he ate to relieve his hunger. As for what he ate, he didn't care.

Eating outside, sometimes there will be good food, but his mind is not on eating, even if the taste is good, also did not care.

But now the soup, but directly into his heart.

Mu Shulan was Qin Jian'an's wife. In his time, she was the Royal daughter-in-law.

Royal daughters in law are not without virtuous, but their minds are basically focused on maintaining their status, or climbing up, which can not care more about other people's hunger and satiety.

He didn't know whether the time had changed or the people had changed.

Suddenly I feel like this is really good.

Dushulan puts soup into an Shen and Gu Luan, and goes to the kitchen to help. Qin Jian waits for an Yin and Gu Luan to finish eating, and takes the bowl into the kitchen. An Yin follows, intending to help, but is blocked by dushulan and says nothing to let her plug in. Qin Jian takes her out for a rest.

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