Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3446

An Yin came out of the kitchen, but did not see the imperial edict. Qin Jian saw an Yin looking for someone and whispered, "your father is on the balcony."

Qin Jian's words made an Yin close her lips. She was still in conflict with the imperial edict, but whether she resisted or not, she could not deny that the imperial edict was her father.

"I'll go and have a look."


Anyin went to the balcony and saw Rongxun was also on the balcony, and did not air the imperial edict alone.

Rong Xun turns back to see an Yin, extinguishes the smoke on his hand, turns around and enters the room, leaving room for anyin and the imperial edict.

Anyin stopped half a meter away from the imperial edict, "my mother is afraid of strangers. After a while, you'll be late and wait until you're done. See if you can talk to her

The imperial edict turned his head in astonishment.

Anyin just touched Zhao Yan's eyes, then turned away and looked downstairs. Her eyes did not move. She did not let Zhao Yan enter her field of vision.

"Anyin, I will give you an account of what my mother did."

"How can you tell us? Apologies, or does time go against the current and let everything not happen? "

"It's impossible to wipe out the injured. I know how useless it is to say these words, but what should be done still needs to be done. "

"What you want to do is your business. Don't expect me to look forward to it." The more expectations, the greater the disappointment will be. She and Qin Jian have lost too much. It is not easy to get to this step. She just wants to cherish the future, and does not want to grieve over the past and affect the future.

"It's dinner." Aunt Wang brought the dishes to the table.

Allow the old man son to order Qin Jian, "three son, go to the evening Jin speech and he he called out to eat."

An Yin out of the balcony, see evening Shu Lan carrying a tray to the mother's room, tray put vegetables, rushed forward, "give me."

Evening Shu Lan let open, "you hurry to eat, eat rice, wash sleep. I'll send it in to your mother and have a word with her

Dushulan often brings Qin Yue to Rong's home. Rong Zhen is used to seeing dushulan, and has not rejected dushulan.

Mu Jin Yan was afraid that he and Qin Yue would leave together. Rong Zhen would be afraid. He called Qin Yue out of the quilt and gave it to Qin Jian. He wanted to say that he would eat later. Then he saw dushulan bring in the meal.

Dushulan: "sincerely, you go out to eat, I and Rong Zhen talk."

Evening Jin speech nodded a head, left, after going out, conveniently took the door.

Mu Shulan put the tray on the table and sat down beside the bed. Instead of calling Rongzhen for dinner, she asked, "did you choose the wedding draft I sent the day before yesterday?"

Rong Zhen listened to this, the quilt slowly opened a corner, looking at the evening Shu Lan nodded.

"I'll have a look at what you've chosen. It's not the same as one selected by me and an Yin."

Rong Zhen reached under the pillow, took out a few drawings and pushed them out of the quilt.

Mu Shulan picked up one by one and looked at it one by one. Rong Zhen was crazy, but her eyes did not diminish at all. The styles she picked out were really Zhang Zhang Hao. Several of them were the same as those selected by her and an Yin.

When she blinks, she doesn't blink at her wedding manuscript.

After turning over the draft, dushulan looked at Rong Zhen and said, "do you want to know what I chose with an yin?"

Rong Zhen immediately nodded.

Mu Shulan: "then you eat the meal, eat the meal, I will tell you."

Rong Zhen hesitated.

Mu Shulan: "if you don't eat, I won't tell you."

With that, he got up and walked to the table, as if to take away the food and wedding draft.

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