Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3444

There are so many people here today. I hope nothing happens.

Anyin didn't eat or sleep for two days. He was very tired, but Qin Yue was very heavy. Qin Jian was afraid that an Yin would be tired. So he held Qin Yue and went with an Yin.

Zhao Yan escaped from the hospital last time, went straight to Rong family, wanted to see Rong Zhen, failed to see.

Today, let him into the Rong family, he looked at this group of people, but could not move.

The evening Jin speech also does not urge, waits in the side to wait.

Let the old man go over, "when there are many people, Zhen Zhen won't go out of the room."

"Oh." The imperial edict did not know whether it was a blessing or a disappointment.

He hopes to see Rong Zhen and have a good chat with her. If she doesn't want to talk, it's good for him to stay by her side.

But with so many people around, he couldn't let go.

But Rong's family is not the place he wants to come. If he doesn't have a chance to meet Rong Zhen this time, he doesn't know when he can get a chance.

He's going to have to continue the surgery, and every operation is a ghost.

If he can't get out of this hell, he will not even have the chance to confess to Rong Zhen.

When they entered the door, Rong Zhen, as master Rong said, heard other people talking in the yard, so she shrank into the room. She didn't even make a sound, as if she had evaporated from her own world and would not let anyone find out her existence.

The evening Jin speech stretched out his hand to the Qin Yue in Qin Jian's arms, "Yue Yue, and uncle go to see grandma."

Yue Yue immediately stretched out a pair of small fat hands and said, "he will give grandma sugar." With that, he took out two very beautiful fruit candies from his pocket.

"Yueyue is really good." Mu Jin Yan hugs Qin Yue and goes to Rong Zhen room. An Yin greets the people and follows him. When she turns around, she can't help but look at Zhao Yan. Zhao Yan's eyes are following Mu Jin Yan holding Qin Yue, with a complicated look.

Anyin didn't see her mother. She didn't know what her mother was now. She didn't dare to take the imperial edict into the room.

Rong Zhen shrank in a corner of the bed and covered herself with a quilt, even her hair was not exposed.

Qin Yue looked at the Rong Zhen hiding in the quilt, his big black and white eyes immediately lit up, "Lao Lao and Yue he play hide and seek."

Evening Jin speech dark took a breath, press down the heart of the pain, put Qin Yue on the bed, pat his small buttocks, "go."

Qin Yue immediately ran to Rong Zhen, stood in front of Rong Zhen, looked left and right for a while, and then found a quilt corner with a little crack. He fell down, lifted up the quilt corner, and climbed in with his hands and feet on the ground. He hugged Rong Zhen, who had shrunk himself into a group, and said with a smile, "I have found the lad."

Rong Zhen is afraid to see outsiders. There are a lot of people in the outer room. At this time, if someone else is close to her, she will tremble. However, she is very close to Qin Yue. Seeing that it is Qin Yue who is climbing into the quilt, Rongzhen quickly hugs Qin Yue into her arms and murmurs, "don't talk, there are bad people."

"Bad man?" Qin Yue tilted his head to think for a while, also suppressed the voice, "the old man is playing the game of bad guys catching good people?"

Rong Zhen immediately nodded, "mm-hmm, we don't talk, don't let the bad guys find us."

Qin Yue hurriedly "hush" a, whispered, "we don't talk."

An Yin: "it's just

The evening Jin speech is dumbfounded, look back to an Yin, "you are not hungry? Go out to eat first, and I'll be with you. "

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