Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3397

Although Qin Jian and Mu Jin Yan think that the method of tolerating the old man can be tried.

But feng'er is in anyin's body. Only anyin knows what kind of feelings anyin has for feng'er.

How to do it, anyin has to think about it. They can't impose their own ideas on anyin and make it difficult for anyin.

As a result, the two kept silent.

An Yin looked at the old man Rong, "my grandfather also said that her ability is against the sky, is to be eaten back. I know how serious the underground base is, and I know that I should cooperate unconditionally in this matter. If I have this ability, I will not hesitate to do as you say. But the ability is not mine, but feng'er's. I am I, feng'er is feng'er, I can't use her ability without her consent, and then let her bear the backfire. In order to be strong, Mu Shichang did experiments with other people's bodies at the expense of other people's lives. Those who were used to do experiments suffered the most, and life was better than death. If I don't care about Fenger's life and death and take all she has, what's the difference between me and Dushi Chang? I can ask Gu Luan's help to wake up feng'er. It's up to her not to help us with her ability. "

An Yin's words are reasonable.

Rong Laozi nodded, "good."

Anyin: "however, I don't know if guluan is willing to help."

These past events are painful for Gu Luan. To let Gu Luan recall these painful past events is tantamount to reopening the deep wound of others.

"I will."

A voice rings.

Anyin looks to where the voice comes from.

On the wall, a door slid open silently, revealing a dark room. Gu Luan comes out of the dark room.

Qin Jian and twilight Jin words looked at each other, the original old man should have left such a hand.

Anyin stands up.

Gu Luan went to the table and looked at an Yin, "I hope to wake up feng'er."

An Yin: "those past events will make you very painful."

Guluan laughed at himself, "it turns out that the sore is growing in the flesh, even if it is not squeezed, it can't be."

An Yin: "you also know that feng'er only has that little remnant soul left. She doesn't remember anything. Even if she reads your heart voice, she may not feel it."

For feng'er, Gu Luan has endured thousands of years of loneliness, which is supported by the missing of feng'er.

After reading Gu Luan's memory, if feng'er doesn't feel it, Gu Luan will be more miserable and desperate.

Lonely Luan's eyes darken.

Over the years, he has been forcing himself not to think about the bad side.

Afraid to think about it, they can no longer support.

But no matter how he forced himself, he still had to face it.

Gu Luan took a deep breath and pressed down the negative emotion floating in her heart, "I understand."

"Do you still insist on the decision you just made?"

when an Yin thought about guluan's past, she couldn't bear to hurt him again.

Gu Luan nodded her head, "come on."

An Yin looked at the old man Rong and nodded his head.

Let the old man get up and walk to the other wall, which slides open another secret door silently.

Let the old man see to Qin Jian and evening Jin words, "you also come together."

Qin Jian and twilight Jin Yan together follow in the Rong old man behind, to the secret door.

Inside the secret door is a staircase that extends to the ground.

At the end of the stairs is still a door.

Let the old man open the door.

Inside is a dark room.

The darkroom is full of hypnosis equipment.

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