Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3398

But the bed is equipped with straps and iron handcuffs and other restraint settings.

It's supposed to be for fear that the hypnotizer will go mad.

An Yin looks at the binding equipment on the bed and frowns.

Gu Luan didn't care about those things. He just lay down and handcuffed himself.

Anyin pressed him, "no need."

Gu Luan looks up at an Yin.

An Yin: "I believe you."

Gu Luan nodded her head. There was not much expression on her face, but there was a warm current in her heart.

In those days, when he was the crown prince, there were all kinds of flattery around him, but there was no word "I believe you".

Later, with the increase of age, in addition to flattery, is suspicion.

Apart from the little fox Jiuling, I'm afraid no one will believe him.

An Yin looks back to the evening Jin Yan and Qin Jian, "you also go out, wait for me outside."

Let the old man didn't say what to call Mu Jin Yan and Qin Jian down to do.

But all the people present knew what the old man was thinking.

He is afraid that guluan will be firm. If an Yin's spiritual power is not enough, he can't read out guluan's voice with the power of a person, he can let Mu Jin Yan help him.

As for Qin Jian, it is the second way to restrain and defend.

In case guluan goes mad and the fetters can't trap him, then Qin Jian has to do it and control it by force.

Both Qin Jian and Mu Jin Yan are worried about an Yin, so they have no objection to the arrangement of Rong Laozi.

Gu Luan is also aware of Bai Rong's thoughts. He is a demon for thousands of years. It is normal for him to let him guard against him, so he pretends not to know.

Qin Jian and Mu Jin say whether to stay or not, Gu Luan doesn't care, but after listening to an Yin, she still wants to know what Qin Jian will do.

Qin Jian did not want to nod, "good." With that, he nodded to guluan, saying hello, and turned around and left without hesitation.

This is a complete trust in Gu Luan.

Gu Luan's heart is warm, and her eyes, which are seldom warm at ordinary times, are soft.

Mu Jin said patted an Yin on the shoulder, "then take your time. Don't worry. Your spiritual power can't keep up with you. When you can't, you can go slowly and have a good rest. If you're hungry, what do you want to eat, call me. "

"Good." Anyin burst into a smile at dusk Jin.

The evening Jin speech turns to look at Gu Luan, slightly bows to him, politely line a courtesy, also turns to leave, words and deeds magnanimous.

Let the old man look at Qin Jian and the evening Jin speech to leave one after another, dumb.

It seems that he is really old, but there are too many scruples, not as free and easy as the younger generation.

At this time, the explanation appeared stingy and pretentious. She simply did not say anything. She patted an Yin on the shoulder, nodded at guluan and left the dark room.

When the door of the darkroom is closed, Gu Luan looks at an Yin quietly, "are you really not afraid?"

"not afraid."

"Hypnosis will come in. If I think I am back in the past and experience the past again, I may not be able to control my emotions. In those days, I was a big killer... "

"In those days, when they forced you to do that, you didn't drive them out, but let them seal you. Gu Luan, your righteousness and mind are understood by everyone who can understand it. Because you are such a person, feng'er is willing to die for you. "

Willing to die for you.

After a while, slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pressed down the dull pain in my heart.

He would rather she hated him to the bone, rather than he was in a tight encirclement, she was willing to leave him.

It's him who would rather die!

PS: after writing updates for a few days with his mobile phone, his eyes almost turned into cockfight eyes. When I went back today, I thought that I could use the computer in the evening, and I felt very happy www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!