Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3396

"Never heard of that, Ann?".

"There was also a great wizard in the Qin Dynasty. The great wizard read the witch's voice before she died and knew that she had a daughter. Later, he followed the line to find out who her daughter was."

"Does the witch's daughter have this ability?"

"yes, the lady used her ability to help her husband sit firmly in the unshakable position of leader. Even the dynasty established by the werewolf clan was far stronger than that of human beings, but she could not help him. The Witches of the Qin Dynasty said that the descendants of the witches were not excluded. Once they were bewitched by them, the Qin family would be destroyed. When the king of Qin knew who the witch was after, he became interested in killing. After listening to the wizard's words, he strengthened his decision. However, when he learned that the prince fell in love with the witch's descendants, he thought that this was the source of the Qin Dynasty's demise predicted by the witch. And the werewolf who identified, is a lifetime. After guluan has identified the witch, he can only give up this son for the sake of the foundation of the Qin Dynasty

"Feng'er does not mean that she has the ability."

"Feng'er's mother uses her ability to assist her husband. If she reveals her secrets, she will surely be punished. What's more, what she has done is bloody. So she was just over thirty when she died. Feng'er saw her mother engulfed by the dead and knew that those things could not move. Therefore, she did not take the initiative to use her ability to assist her father. But the prediction is not that she doesn't want to know, so she won't know. Even if she deliberately avoided, but when it comes to life and death, how can she really turn a blind eye and let her live and die. As long as she makes any reaction, it will inevitably be noticed by the people who intend to

Rong Laozi said here, pause for a moment, then continued: "although this is a long time ago, but the Rong family's historical records are clearly recorded. However, women in ancient times did not use maids. Therefore, in the historical records of Rong family, there is no word "feng'er", only the daughter of Yao family. "

Anyin is silent.

Although it is called the Yao's daughter in the records, if the identities of other people are put together one by one, feng'er is the daughter of Yao's family. Naturally, it can't escape.

"Anyin, feng'er is in your body. If she has this ability, you should feel it."

"I don't know how to wake her up."

"Drunk with a thousand flowers."

"Thousand flowers drunk?" an Yin was a little surprised.

"Yes, qianhuazui can read people's hearts and touch them in the deepest place."

"Whether it is a person or a soul, as long as there is concern, it can be touched."

"She's unconscious, I can't read her voice. Besides, she has no memory, and there is nothing to read from her heart. What's more, even if she has a memory, it's no use reading what she's thinking. "

Anyin thought of her mother Rongzhen. If she read her heart and become a bosom friend, she could be touched. Her mother would not have gone mad.

"I can't read her, but I can read guluan." The old man's words are meaningful.

When this was said, everyone present understood.

Feng'er died because of Gu Luan. No matter what feelings she has for her, she has made an indelible mark in her life.

Feng'er has no memory, but Gu Luan does. Anyin and feng'er share the same mind. Reading Gu Luan's memory may stimulate feng'er and wake her up.

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