Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3395

Rectangular sealed space, only one wall is black glass.

In the middle of the room is a long table.

This structure is not unfamiliar, and the monitoring room of the police station can be seen everywhere on TV.

Anyin looks up at the glass wall. If there is no accident, this is also a monitoring room.

Let the old man sit down, "sit down."

All the people present sat down around the table.

The stalemate of the old man mountain: "the case of the old man's house.". I'm calling you here to break the deadlock. "

Anyin knows that her grandfather has already arranged for them to come here. They don't need to ask anything. They just need to do it according to the instructions of her grandfather.

Rong Laozi looked at an Yin: "I heard Rongxun say that your thousand flowers are drunk, even he can't compare."

Anyin doesn't know whether her thousand flower drunkenness is comparable to Rongxun, but it doesn't matter, "what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to wake up feng'er."

An Yin is stunned for a moment, "feng'er?"

she really wants to wake feng'er, but she doesn't know what to do to wake her up.

However, she wants to wake up feng'er, because of the feelings between Gu Luan and feng'er, and she doesn't want to use feng'er to do anything.

Let the old man mention thousand flowers drunk, she thought the old man is to let her do with thousand flowers drunk, did not expect to let her wake up feng'er.

You can see that the old man's eyes are intoxicated. But if the other party does not want anything, or is eliminated memory, no matter how deep qianhuazui can't read what he wants. But feng'er can find out the past and the future. Even if she forgets, as long as it happened, she will know. "

Anyin once felt the future through feng'er's ability. Of course, she understood the words of Rong Laozi.

However, she never told anyone about this matter. How does grandma know that feng'er has this ability?

an Yin thought so, and asked: "how does my grandfather know that feng'er can know the past life and look after the future?"

Master Rong said, "we Meizu never participate in the war between any race, but it does not mean that Meizu is indifferent to matters outside the tribe. If a race, especially a sparsely populated race, wants to survive without being enslaved by others, it must know itself and know its enemy, and let the other party have reasons to dare not or not to move them. The news controlled by Meizu is enough for them to survive in troubled times. "

"That Phoenix son..."

Anyin has no doubt about what Rong Laozi said.

If the Rong family has no special ability, it can not firmly control the military power under the human world.

"At that time, the king of Qin knew that his younger brother and common son were trying to kill the crown prince guluan, but he would rather seal guluan than stop him. Was it really stupid?"

"is there any other secret?"

"because of feng'er's ability, he was afraid that he would rather abandon his only legitimate son."

"The ability to know the past and predict the future?"

"not bad."

"How do they know feng'er has such ability?"

"at that time, there was a very famous witch, and that witch could know the past life and predict the future. Every word she said was effective. The witch knew that a person like her would not die easily, so she changed her name and gave her daughter to a noble lady to raise. The daughter of a witch grows up in a noble family, and naturally she marries a royal family. Later, the witch predicted that the Qin Dynasty would perish. The king of Qin was so angry that he sent for the witches and burned them to death. "

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