Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3387

"No, I'll go back to my uncle's house." Lin Lin refused.

"It's midnight, people are sleeping. There is no one guarding the door in their house. Would it be appropriate for you to go back and shout for you to open the door? "

"Appropriate." "I don't agree."

Lin Lin bit her lip. Her aunt is still ill. Her uncle has to take care of her and let her open the door. Anyin and Qin Jian quarrel with each other in the middle of the night. Even if she doesn't have to think about it, Qin Jian's expression that she wants to eat her appears in her mind.

Mu Jin Yan no longer quarrels with Lin Lin, takes the mobile phone, dials Bo Kun's phone.

He is drunk and Lin Lin is here again. Bokun won't sleep.

Sure enough, the phone rang outside.

But when the bell rang, Bokun immediately picked it up.

"Young master, you are awake."

"Well, you can arrange a room for Lin Lin

"Yes." Bo Kun answered, "young master, do you want something to eat?"

"I don't want to eat it."

"Is there anything else you need?"

"No. Is my second uncle resting? "

"The master is worried about the young master. He can't sleep. In addition, the old master is also guarding downstairs... " Bo Kun knew that Mu Jin Yan would not ask for the imperial edict, but he would like to know the situation of the imperial edict, so he took the initiative to say it.

The evening Jin speech is silent for a while, just reopen a mouth, "you settle Lin Lin, go and say with second uncle, I am ok, let him rest at ease, hurry to rest."


Evening Jin speech hung up the phone, see Lin Lin Lin also looked at him, secretly took a breath, "thank you today."

Lin Lin nodded and walked to the door.

The evening Jin speech looks at Lin Lin's back, full of brain is just drunk in the dry matter, lightly licked a lip, as if her fragrance is still left on the lips, a flame in the body, burning him all over the fever, the body somewhere inappropriate reaction.

At this time, Lin Lin stops at the door and turns around. Mu Jin Yan's eyes are cold and rush into Lin Lin Lin's eyes. Her brain "hums" for a moment, and quickly pulls over the quilt to cover it.

Fortunately, Lin Lin didn't look at it disorderly and didn't find the indecent evening. The evening Jin Yan was relieved.

"Anything else?"

"What you said before, do you want to break your promise?" Lin Lin refers to teaching him leg Kung Fu.


"Why didn't you come to me once after you came back from Beichuan?"

"There are many things."

"You don't have a lot of time?"

“……” Recently, Mu Jin said that there is really no time when things are not too much.

"I'll give you a week. If you still don't contact me within a week, I'll treat you as breaking your promise."

"I see." Mu Jin said that somewhere in her body was extremely hard to bear, listening to her voice was even more unbearable. She only hoped that she would go out quickly, so that he could calm down and suppress that damned desire.

Lin Lin got a reply, satisfied and opened the door.

Behind him came the voice of Mu Jin's words: "will you stay tonight?"

He asked Lin Lin to stay. He didn't want Lin Lin Lin to run outside in the middle of the night. But when he thought that she was under the eaves with him, it was like adding a fire to her body, which was burning with fire.

Lin Lin looked back at him, did not answer, out of the room, backhand with the door.

At the moment when the door is closed, the eyes darken, and the head leans towards the back of the bed behind him, suppressing the disturbing desire.

After a good while, just re opened his eyes, and called Bokun, "is Lin Lin settled?"

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