Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3388

"Miss Lin Lin Lin, she's gone."

"Gone?" evening Jin speech a Zheng after, frown: "damn."

Bo Kun listens to the evening Jin speech tone is not good, did not dare to say a word.

The evening Jin speech knows this matter can't blame Bo, press down in the heart's irritability, "did she say anything?"

"No Bokun hesitated for a moment and tried to ask, "why don't I call Miss Lin Lin?"

"No The evening Jin speech finger pinches the nose wing to rub, just now Lin Lin did not answer, he should have reacted, but the brain is paralyzed by alcohol, unexpectedly did not expect.

It was his own death that he could not blame others.

"What do you need now?"

"it's OK." Evening Jin speech hang up the phone, looking at the mobile phone for a while, open SMS.

Input: where have you been?

after input, delete it, turn over and get out of bed, pull over the clothes on one side, put them on, and go out quickly.

Bo Kun was at the door and was about to leave. When he heard the door open behind him, he quickly turned around and saw Mu Jin Yan put on his coat. It seemed that he was going to go out. "Young master, are you going out?"


"Where are you going?"

"go out for a walk."

"You just wake up and go out now. It's easy to catch a cold." Bo Kun guesses that Mu Jinyan wants to go after Lin Lin, but Lin Lin has been away for a long time, and she can't catch up with her now. Bo Kun is not good at exposing Mu Jin Yan's mind, so he can only put it another way.

As soon as Fu Kun opened his mouth, Mu Jin Yan knew what Fu Kun was thinking. He also knew that if Lin Lin was going to Qin Jian's parents' house, he would have arrived by now. It was useless for him to chase him out, but he still wanted to go out and have a look.

Fu Kun saw that Mu Jin Yan took a look at him. Without speaking, he knew that Mu Jin Yan had seen through his mind and no longer said more.

Evening Jin said out of the door, was a cold wind, head more sober, but also more pain.

He took a few hard breaths to get used to the uncomfortable headache, opened the door and got on.

The car drove out of the villa, but more and more calm.

There is a long distance between the residents in Jinshawan villa area. You can't see a person by driving all the way.

The car of the evening Jin speech is like the ghost to drive in the corridor generally.

At the gate of Qin Jian'an, Mu Jin stops.

Every villa in Jinshawan covers a large area. If you look inside at the door, you can only see the scene of layers. The buildings are half hidden behind the flowers and trees.

From the corner of the evening Jin speech, you can see a window with a light in the distance.

With the curtain closed, only a little light behind the curtain could be seen in the night.

Mu Jin said to take out the mobile phone, bright mobile phone screen, the screen still stays in the SMS page.

In the input box, there are messages that he typed just now but didn't send.

Mu Jin said thumb across the screen, press the send button.

Lin Lin wrote back quickly: uncle's house.

Mu Jin said: did you sleep?

Lin Lin Lin: I did.

Can you reply so quickly after sleeping?

Mu Jin said: turn on the light to sleep?

Lin Lin: No.

The evening Jin says: that still does not turn off the light.

Lin Lin:.

Lin Lin breathed a sigh of relief and thought his eyes had grown on her window: you Is it better?

Mu Jin said: much better.

Lin Lin: is your head still painful?

Mu Jin said: a little, but it's OK.

Lin Lin: then go to sleep. You will feel comfortable when you wake up.

Mu Jin said: Yes.

Lin Lin: good night!

Mu Jin said: good night!

PS: Happy New Year! Thank you. I'm the little fairy Wai and Lily's reward and blessing. Also thank all the blessing fruit of the baby, fruit also wish all babies a more beautiful year of the pig.

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