Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3386

Evening Jin speech shook his head, bowed his head and drank a mouthful of honey water.

Taste is still dull, but the sweetness in the mouth, the mind began to gradually recover, suddenly looked up, re fixed to look at Lin Lin, this time did not suddenly feel.

"Lin Lin Lin?"

Seeing that the confusion on Mu Jinyan's face faded, Lin Lin regained her usual composure. She suddenly realized that he was not clear at all. Now she comes back to her mind. Thinking of the intimate action he made to her just now, her heart pounded, "you Awake? "

The evening Jin speech hears Lin Lin's voice, the remaining side of the confusion also disappeared, and looked at the honey water in the hand, the fragment of the brain began to slowly restore function.

Recalling his actions just now, there was a moment of embarrassment, but at the bottom of my heart there was a trace of indescribable feelings, which made his heart difficult to suppress.

The evening Jin speech slants the beginning, wry smile.

At ordinary times, a drunk is not a thing.

Take a deep breath, let oneself restore normal appearance, just look again to Lin Lin, "how are you here?"

"Qin Jian can't drive after drinking Let Wei I'll send you back... "

Lin Lin said with vague, but the evening Jin speech has automatically straightened out her words.

Qin Jian asked Wei Qiang or Wei Zheng to pick them up. When she heard her, she followed him. How did she come back? I don't have to guess.

"And then?"

"And then That Your elders asked me to look after you... "

When they were in Beichuan, they got along quite well, but now the old people who are drunk and still clutching the words of Mu Jin are still outside. It is strange and embarrassing for them to be confined in their rooms like this.

The evening Jin speech long vomited a breath, these old people, also really does not stop.

"Thank you, I'm ok now, you..."

Lin Lin did not wait for her to finish, even busy way: "you are OK, I should also go. However, you were so drunk just now. You drank the honey water and the drunken soup. When you finished, I took the bowl out by the way. In case you don't take care of your elders... "

Mu Jin Yan raised her eyes and looked at her with a smile. Was she afraid that the elders thought she didn't take care of him, or was she afraid that the elders would misunderstand what she had done with him here?

Lin Lin blushed and forced to pretend to be OK. He glanced at the bowl in his hand. "Since you are drunk, you should drink it quickly. It's really cool."

Only then the evening Jin drinks this cup of honey to lose sight.

He usually does not like sweets, a cup of honey water, can not help but frown, and his temples also followed by bursts of pain.

Lin Lin did not wait for him to slow down, one hand from his hand to grab the empty cup, and then put the hangover soup into his hand, "this also drink."

The evening Jin speech does not say a word to sober up the soup to drink.

Lin Lin breathed a sigh of relief, put the empty bowl back on the tray, took it and left.

Both things are done, now go out, his family should not want to go elsewhere.

"Lin Lin Lin."

Lin Lin stops and looks back

"They asked you to take care of me, and you took care of me. Are you stupid

Lin Lin:

"I'm drunk like that. What's the matter with you taking care of me? Don't you understand?"

"I'd love to."

The evening Jin speech choked.

Lin Lin stares at him, on the small face is evening Jin speech this stubborn when seeing her at first.

After the words of the evening Jin speech can't go on, "forget it, I let ah Kun arrange the guest room for you."

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