Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3385

The evening Jin speech even looks up at her to have no time, then faints in the past.

Lin Lin knocks out the evening Jin speech, has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the weight of the man's whole body pressed down.

Mu Jin said that she was very tall, and she was very thin when she was dressed. She was not light in weight. This pressure almost broke her breath.

Lin Lin pushes aside the evening Jin speech, turns over to get out of bed, looks at by her to hit dizzy evening Jin speech, embarrassed.

She came to take care of people. As a result, she didn't drink the sobering soup and honey water, but he knocked him out.

How can she explain when she is seen.

Lin Lin shook the evening Jin words, no response, she looked back at the door, footsteps stopped at the door not far away, no closer.

Now the most important thing is to wake people up.

Lin Lin half kneels on the bed, pinches the evening Jin speech person, after a while, the evening Jin speech moved. Lin Lin quickly patted the face of Mu Jin's words with another hand, "Mu Jin Yan, wake up."

The evening Jin speech slowly had the consciousness, raised the eyebrow, raised the hand to rub the swelling pain forehead, opened the eyes, looked at in front of the delicate small face, the brain was broken piece, completely could not respond.

Did you dream about her?

Lin Lin sees evening Jin speech to look at oneself, surprised and happy, "you wake up?"

The evening Jin speech looks at her, tiny smile.

It's a wonderful dream.

"Wake up and drink the honey water. It's almost cold." Lin Lin retreats from the bed and wants to turn around and carry honey syrup.

Mu Jin said subconsciously reached out to her arm, he did not expect to be able to catch her, unexpectedly caught, the palm of the real real real feeling let him astounded.

The feeling in the dream is the same as the real one.

The evening Jin speech satisfied of shudder tone.

Drunk can make a dream so real, he really wants to be drunk for a long time.

Lin Lin was held by the evening Jin speech arm, can not get the honey water put on the bedside table, gently earned.

"Don't go." The evening Jin speech tightens the finger.

"I'm not going." Lin Lin looked down at the arm held by the evening Jin speech, "I have to give you honey water, you hold me can't get it."

Mu Jin Yan follows Lin Lin's sight and sees the sobering soup and honey water on the bedside table, but he thinks it is a dream. He is afraid that if he lets go of it, the dream will change. Instead of letting go, he continues to tighten his fingers.


The evening Jin speech was surprised, subconsciously released the hand.

Lin Lin immediately retracts the hand, turns to carry the honey water to come over, passes to the evening Jin speech's front.

Evening Jin words see Lin Lin did not disappear because of his release, relieved, conveniently took over the honey water she handed over.

"Drink it. It's getting cold."

The evening Jin speech looks at Lin Lin not to move.

"If you drink too much wine, you must drink some honey water." Lin Lin thought that Mu Jin Yan didn't like to drink these things, and gently pushed his hand, "this is your father's special purpose for you. Drink it quickly."

Mu Jin Yan followed Lin Lin's strength and put the bowl to her mouth, but her sight did not leave Lin Lin's face. She was afraid that in the blink of an eye, she would change a dream and Lin Lin would disappear in front of her eyes.

How sweet!

After being drunk, his taste will be dull, but he can still taste the sweetness of honey water.

The evening Jin speech carries the honey water to be stunned.

Can the taste of dreams be so real?

Lin Lin saw that Mu Jin Yan took a sip and stopped, showing a trace of confusion on her face. She thought that there was something wrong with the honey water. She came forward and took a sip of her hand.

Honey water is OK.

"Why not? Don't you like it?" Confused to see the evening Jin speech.

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