Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3348

Then I feel the strength of my body is losing rapidly.

Special silver!

The driver quickly turned back and called to an Yin who was coming to help: "little lady, take Xiao Shao away quickly."

He is a werewolf of pure blood. Among the werewolves, he is also good at fighting. If something happens, he can hit 20 or 30.

Besides, the young lady is not as weak as she looks.

The lady and the young master will rest assured that he will protect the young lady and young master.

I didn't expect that the bounty hunter who had disappeared for so long suddenly appeared.

What he can do now is to drag the hunter to death and let the young lady take the young master away.

Seeing that the driver was injured, anyin immediately realized that they had been ambushed, looked back at the car, but did not immediately run back, but still ran to the driver, "how are you?"

"It's OK. Take the young master and I'll deal with them."

"Can you do it?"

For many years, Mr. and Mrs. Qin Jian'an have been with Mr. and Mrs. Qin Jianqiang.

Anyin is worried about her son, but she can't bear to leave Wei Zheng alone.

"Take the young master away quickly. If you get away, I will go."

"Be careful."

In those days in Africa, anyin saw more wars and knew that she had a heart of concern, but she did not have a decisive choice. She could not help others, but would harm others and herself.

Wei Zheng is injured. It's really dangerous.

But Qin Yue is still young and has no self-protection ability. If he stays, it will only distract Wei Zheng and make the situation worse.

Anyin turns and runs back.

In this moment, a man had been flying to the back seat of the car from a nearby hiding place.

The other side has a clear goal and is obviously prepared.

They came for Qin Yue.

An Yin's face suddenly cold down, eyes flashed a long time did not have the intention of killing.

As soon as his wrist turned, he had a transparent knife as thin as an ice blade on his hand.

This knife was given to an Yin by Qin Jian. It is not an ice skate, but a laser knife. It condenses the laser into a blade, which is sharper than ice.

Anyin's hand was quick and fierce. If it wasn't for the quick contraction of the hand, the hand could be directly cut off by her, but even so, the blade still crossed the man's wrist, and blood was pouring out.

These people come out to work for money.

No life, no money, no place to spend.

That person's wrist vein was cut, where there is anything else, quickly press the wrist blood vessels, quickly escape.

An Yin drew up the knife and pulled out the back seat. She was sitting in the safety seat in a stable way. Not only did she not untie the seat belt, but also held the seat belt tightly with her little hand.

Although he was young, he also knew how to protect himself in his own way.

Anyin unbuttoned her seat belt, and the little man immediately jumped at her.

Anyin picked up her son and took a look at Wei Zheng, and then ran away.

At this time, the foot suddenly tripped over something, the body suddenly lost balance.

Change to her own, a turn can be able to stand firm again, she holds Qin Yue, has not adapted to take the child's balance, fell to the ground.

At the same time, a car rushed to him. The speed of the car was too fast. He had no time to avoid it. He could only bow up and protect the child under his body.

Qin Jian, who came to meet her, saw that an Yin was in the middle of the road. If she drove into it directly, the car would have to run over her mother and son.

Qin Jian abandoned the car and rushed to the car as fast as lightning www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!