Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3347

An Yin smile: "want to talk to daddy?"

Qin Yue nodded.

An Yin sent a text message to ask Qin Jian: son wants to talk to you, is it convenient to answer the phone?

Qin Jian didn't reply, but his mobile phone rang.

An Yin saw the call, gave the mobile phone to Qin Yue, "Daddy's phone."

Qin Yue immediately said to the mobile phone: "Daddy, Yueyue wants you, and Mommy also wants you."

An Yin: "it's just When did she say she missed his father?

"Mommy said she missed me?"

"No, but I can feel it."

Qin Jian smiles, "that Daddy lets you and Mommy see daddy early, OK?"


"I'll see you later."

"See you later." Qin Yue holding a mobile phone, forced to kiss a, "Daddy goodbye."

Qin Jian looked at the eyes in front of the more gentle.

Qin Yue returned the mobile phone to an Yin, and an Yin took the mobile phone. Seeing that the mobile phone had not been hung up, he asked, "don't you drive?"


"Then don't call again. Pay attention to safety."


"Then I'll hang up."

"My sons are all kissing me. You don't kiss one."

An Yin looked at her bean curd quickly, her face turned red, "don't make any noise."

Qin Jian knew that an Yin was thin skinned, and did not force her to do so. She laughed and said, "you hang up."

"Good." Anyin hung up her mobile phone and then sent two words on wechat: "kiss you."

Qin Jian saw it, his face immediately filled with a smile.

Take off the headphones, step up the gas pedal, and the car is speeding in the torrent.

He has a very important meeting to hold tonight, so he can't accompany an Yin and Qin Yue to the activities.

As soon as the meeting was over, he left the company immediately. At this moment, in order to see their mother and son earlier, he wanted to drive the car up.

More than 11 o'clock later, there are few pedestrians and few cars on the suburban road. However, the road is very easy to walk. According to the distance, you can return to Jinsha bend in half an hour.

Usually this time, Qin Yue has already gone to bed.

In the village before, Qin Yue had been watching the children in the village, and he did not feel sleepy. He would be quiet and soon fell asleep in the safety seat.

An Yin looks at her son who is sleeping quietly, full of maternal love in her heart.

If Qin Jian's cup can be solved, their whole life will be perfect.

The car stopped suddenly.

"What's going on?" An Yin asked the driver.

The driver said, "the front seems to have collapsed, and the big stone is lying in the middle of the road."

"Can you make it?"

"No way."

"Then we don't have to go back?"

"I'll see if I can move the stone away."

If you go back to Jinsha bend, it will take an hour and a half to return to Jinsha bend.

If there is no need to turn back, the driver is not willing to take the wrong road.


The driver gets out of the car.

Anyin opens the window and the probe goes out.

The national road lamp is very dim, but can barely see, a few steps ahead, scattered a pile of stones, the largest one in the middle of the road, half a person high.

This national road is narrow, with stones in the middle, and cars can't go by either side.

I'm afraid it's hard to push such a big stone away with one person's power.

But the driver is not a punon, but a half werewolf with great strength.

He put his hands on the stone and pushed the big stone by him.

An Yinchang breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, suddenly heard the driver a dull hum, push the stone hand to stop, to the back shoulder to touch a hand of blood, face in vain a change.

PS: good night ~

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