Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3349

In the middle of the air, the wolf's body was transformed into a wolf's body. In the moment before the car hit anyin's mother and son, he stood up to the car with his body and looked back at an Yin.

A giant wolf suddenly appears in front of anyin. Anyin is stunned and looks at his bloodthirsty eyes.

Qin Jian knew that her appearance frightened her. Her reaction was in his expectation, but her heart was still in pain.

The people in the car looked back at the man in the car. The man in the car looked at the giant wolf falling from the sky and was shocked to death.

Qin Jian fiercely forced to turn over the roof, jumped onto the window, a claw to break the window, body into the car, open mouth bite to the person's throat, before it bites that person, that person saw the bite to his own moribund white teeth, suddenly fainted.

An Yin tightly protect Qin Yue in his arms, staring at the giant wolf.

The fur of the giant wolf is black and shiny, and the body lines are vigorous and smooth, just like the Sirius.

Qin Jian saw that the man fainted and ignored the man. He jumped down from the car roof and looked at anyin's mother and son. He saw that anyin was still staring at him, but did not recover.

His real body is still too terrible for her.

Qin Jian sighed and turned away.

An Yin in the moment of Qin Jian's turning back, he saw a pair of red pan gold eyes, eager to open his mouth: "Qin Jian."

Qin Jian looks back at her.

An Yin asked, "it's you, isn't it?"

Qin Jian did not answer.

An Yin embraces Qin Yue to come forward, directly with his enchanting eyes, and asks: "Qin Jian, it's you, isn't it?"

Qin Jian took a deep breath, turned back to the person, looked down at the woman in front of him, "afraid?"


When an Yin knew that Qin Jian was a werewolf, she had fantasized about Qin Jian's original appearance for countless times, but no matter how she fantasized, she never thought that Qin Jian's real body was like this.

Qin Jian was silent.

An Yin raised her hand and stroked his thin cheek, "but it's very handsome."

Qin Jian was stunned for a moment and looked at her and laughed.

An Yinhu in the arms, the little guy with round eyes, looked at his father, and then rolled in his mother's arms, and turned into a real body.

is a wolf as like as two peas, who are only chubby, with a simple and charming appearance.

Anyin looks at the wolf in her arms, and the whole person is in a daze.

The little wolf ignored his mother's stupidity and whirled around in her arms. Happily, he said, "I will change into a wolf."

Qin Jian takes the little guy out of anyin's arms, hugs him in his arms, turns around and walks away.

"Where to go?"

"Teach your son."

The little guy looked at his father's stern expression, and immediately realized that he had done something wrong. He put all his happiness away. He huddled in his father's arms and looked at his mother for help.

Although an Yin followed Qin Jian for many years, she didn't really get in touch with the werewolf family. She didn't know the rules of the werewolf family.

However, they also understand that there must be rules for alien people to survive in the human world. Otherwise, they can't hide for so many years and live in peace with mankind.

She didn't know the survival rules of werewolves, but she knew that Qin Jian was a man of great principles, and he said exactly what he said.

When he preaches to his son, he shows that the little guy has done something he shouldn't have done.

In terms of children's education, if one teaches and one nurses, then the children can't teach well.

Looking at his son's eyes for help, he was heartbroken, but he could not see his son's clothes. "Wei Zheng was injured, over there..."

"The hunters in front of me have been cleared away, and the remaining Wei Zheng can cope with it."

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