Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3343

Anyin said with a smile, "OK."

Qin Yue not only frowned, but also tightened his face.

The economic man was afraid that LV Weiwei would say something inappropriate. He secretly worried and looked at several famous ladies who were talking with an Yin, and they laughed pleasantly.

The ladies were sensible and immediately got up. "We should go somewhere else."

"Good." Anyin got up and waited for the celebrities to go away and said to LV Weiwei and her economic humanity, "please sit down."

LV Weiwei sits down impolitely. The economic man can only sit down with him.

LV Weiwei did not speak directly, but turned to the economic man, "I want to eat something. Can you go and get some for me?"

Economic people know that lvweiwei is to support her, but lvweiwei said it in front of an Yin. She is not good at refusing. She hates to grind her teeth secretly, but she can only smile and answer, and then walk away.

LV Weiwei turned to an Yin and said, "I want to talk to you alone."

Some words, an Yin also don't want to say in front of Qin Yue.

Looking at Qin Yue, he said in a soft voice, "I'll ask granny Lu to let someone come and play with you for a while, OK?"

There is a bad woman in, Qin Yue is not willing to leave his mother, but in the face of outsiders, he can not refuse mummy face-to-face, so he fights his fingers under the table.

Anyin said, "Mommy just talks to Auntie about adults."

Qin Yue took a look at LV Weiwei and said, "I'll get something and eat at the table next to me."

Sitting at the table next to him, she is very close to an Yin, and he can hear what they say. If a bad woman bullies her, he can save her immediately.

"Good." An Yin is not at ease, Qin Yue left her sight.

An Yin and her son reached a consensus, so they sent a message to Lu Ying.

Lu Ying quickly led her assistant over.

Her assistant has been following Lu Ying all the time. When an Yin arrives at the meeting, she knows that she is Lu Ying's confidant.

The people who can be Lu Ying's confidants are reliable people in all aspects, and they are also familiar with Qin Yue.

By her looking after Qin Yue, an Yin can rest assured.

Assistant gently took Qin Yue's hand and went to the dessert area.

Lu Ying also left.

LV Weiwei and other people walked to the distance where they could not hear them. She said, "I think you have something to say to me, don't you?"

"Indeed." Only two of them are left, and anyin doesn't need disguise.

LV Weiwei sneered, "you are as disgusting as before."

"If you don't like a person, even if that person doesn't do anything, it's bad for your eyes. Lvweiwei, your heart is not small. "

"You always appear in front of me."

Anyin didn't want to spend time arguing with people. She looked into LV Weiwei's eyes and asked, "where is the soul of my adoptive mother?"

LV Weiwei was stunned for a moment, "what do you say?"

"Xia Xin's soul is no longer in your body. What have you done to her?" An Yin stares at LV Weiwei, and there is no whitewash in her eyes.

Since Xia Xin has been on LV Weiwei's body, she can feel it. But after seeing LV Weiwei today, she always feels that something is wrong.

At the beginning, I thought it was lvweiwei because of the expansion of fame, so that she had that kind of unspeakable feeling.

But in the moment of staring at LV Weiwei's eyes, I suddenly realize that the problem lies in LV Weiwei, who has no breath of Xia Xin.

That is to say, Xia Xin's soul is no longer in LV Weiwei's body.

PS: good night ~

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