Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3344

Anyin thought of LV Weiwei's gold master, her heart sank, "when did it happen?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Why don't you tell me

"I don't want to say that."

"Are you making trouble with me?"

"You may think so. Anyin, you are always on the top, but I have to do what you want? "

An Yin speechless to the extreme, "lvweiwei, I admit that I was good to you before. As for your anger, it is not caused by me, but your own psychological imbalance. I'm not who I used to be. There's something I have to know. If you don't tell me, I use my method to know, then it will make you not so happy

I have seen so much life and death in Africa that I have lost the heart of the Virgin Mary before.

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't think it's a threat, but if you think so, I don't need to argue. I used to be very kind to you, you can even wish to step on me into the mud under your feet, not to mention such a sentence. Whatever you think. "

"Who are you scaring? You are not the former you, I am still the former me. I'm sorry. You can find out in other ways. "

LV Weiwei grabs the handbag on the table and is about to get up and leave.

Anyin suddenly grabs LV Weiwei's wrist.

LV Weiwei subconsciously looks at an Yin's eyes, and suddenly her brain becomes confused. Then she doesn't know anything.

LV Weiwei's mental strength is not weak, but when she sees an Yin, she gets out of control, and her mental control also weakens. In addition, she didn't expect that an Yin would dare to attack her in such a place, so she would be attacked without warning for a moment of carelessness.

An Yin sits at an angle, and deliberately carries people behind her back. No one can see her eyes. She controls lvweiwei with qianhuazui.

She can't see other people's past like feng'er, but she can read each other's voice.

When LV Weiwei listens to an Yin and asks about Xia Xin, she naturally thinks about Xia Xin.

As long as she thinks about it, an Yin can read it.

An Yin moves forward and controls LV Weiwei to get close to the table. In other people's eyes, they seem to be talking in a very intimate way.

Qin Yue came with drinks and snacks, looked at an Yin and LV Weiwei, and sat down a short distance. When LV Weiwei's economic man came back, he took the initiative to greet LV Weiwei's agent, "Auntie, sit here."

LV Weiwei's agent met Qin Yue before and knew that he was an Yin's son, and the boy was accompanied by Lu Ying's assistant in person, which shows how high the status of this boy is.

This is the only child in the Qin family who offended the four children of the Qin family.

Neither of these two families can be offended by her as a small economic man.

Although she was afraid of LV Weiwei's disorderly speech, she did not dare to ignore Qin Yue. After a look at LV Weiwei and an Yin, she saw that it seemed peaceful for them to get along with each other, so she went to the seat beside Qin Yue and sat down.

"What do you want me to do, little brother?"

Qin Yue's tone was very polite, but his words pierced his heart. "My mother is talking to people. You used to disturb them."

Economic man:.... "

When Qin Yue spoke, he raised his voice slightly to let an Yin hear him.

Anyin knew that Qin Yue had tripped up the economic man, so he was relieved to perform.

Xia Xin did leave LV Weiwei's body, and just two days before she returned home.

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