Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3342

There are many books about her story.

A few years ago, when she was Qin's, she attended a charity party as Qin's legitimate daughter.

Therefore, many of the people present today were actually met by an Yin in the early days.

However, I had seen one or two sides before, and after several years, those people did not have much impression on her. Today, it is equivalent to a new understanding.

At this time, people who came to talk to an Yin were also met before.

These people come to talk to an Yin, one is for the face of dushulan, the other is for her own identity.

I wonder if the person who grew up in such a complicated environment is worthy of Qin Jian. Even though her real life experience is very prominent, her past has always been looked down upon by people.

An Yin grew up in Qin's house. Qin Jian and uncle Fu gave her the best education. She talked and behaved like a lady in a big family. On such occasions, she would not appear stiff, and there was no lack of etiquette.

Moreover, when chatting casually, he is also natural and generous, and will not be on the table.

An Yin is sitting in the corner, but someone has been sitting in the past. By contrast, lvweiwei looks lonely here.

Although LV Weiwei is a star, after all, the people who come here are all people with status and status, and most of them are adults. Even if she pursues the stars, it is not her kind.

Even if there are some little girls who come with adults, even if they are fanlv Weiwei, they should be cautious about their identity, and they can't chase the stars and lose the face of the family in such occasions.

Therefore, after LV Weiwei had a circle, no one went up and chatted with each other. She sat on one side with the economic person. The economic person was immersed in playing with her mobile phone and didn't talk to her, which made her feel embarrassed.

LV Weiwei wants to show her status in front of an Yin, but she can't help staring at an Yin. An Yin turns her head and looks at her. LV Weiwei is embarrassed and subconsciously wants to avoid her sight.

But on second thought, why should she avoid it?

Just grab your hand and bag and stand up.

The economic man looked up and asked, "where are you going?"

LV Weiwei ignores and turns to an Yin.

The economic man's face changed and he said in a low voice, "don't worry about anything."

"What can I do more? Should I not meet my old classmates and have a chat?" LV Weiwei looks arrogant.

The economic man's head is suddenly big.

Before LV Weiwei dragged an Yin to hype, and then the various forces to suppress the economic company's events can be clearly seen.

She is an old man in the company. She knows that some things can't be touched.

For example, there are military backstage people.

Anyin has not only military backstage, but also Qin's backstage. No matter the army or the business, she can't afford to provoke.

But in this city, so many eyes staring, she can't force lvweiwei how, had to rush to catch up.

LV Weiwei walks to an Yin's desk.

Qin Yue looked up to see LV Weiwei, and frowned.

LV Weiwei glances at Qin Yue and grinds her teeth secretly. Even her son is born. This is the legitimate son of Qin's grandson.

Regardless of the background of her two families, her mother depends on her son, and her status in the Qin family is no longer comparable. Otherwise, she would not take the place of Mu Shulan to participate in the activities.

It's just that she's taking all the good things.

LV Weiwei comes to find her. An Yin doesn't feel surprised. She just looks up quietly at LV Weiwei.

LV Weiwei said: "we haven't seen each other for such a long time. We should also have a good talk about the past."

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