Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3298

Evening Jin speech and pacify Rong Zhen a few words, and Qin Jian left together.

When Rong Zhen and Mu Jin Yan were together, she kept her head down and didn't look at her. However, when she left, Rong Zhen stood at the window and looked at her with eyes full of regret.

Anyin went to Rong Zhen and said, "Mom, did you think of anything?"

Rong Zhen looks at an Yin, opens her mouth, and finally lowers her head and walks to her room without saying a word.

Anyin chased up and grabbed Rong Zhen, "Mom, tell me, what do you think of?"

Rong Zhen's eyes were red. She broke an Yin's hand and ran into the room. She slammed the door and locked it.

"Mom, open the door." Anyin refused to give up.

"I don't know. I don't know anything." Rong Zhen called in the door.

"I don't know. I don't want to know, do I?"

"I don't know. I don't know."

"You used to talk to Mu Jin like that. Do you think it's OK to pretend that you don't know? My brother's heart is not made of stone, and his heart will hurt. Now that you think of it, do you want to say sorry to him? "

The voice of Rong Zhen will no longer be heard from the door, but she will sob.

Anyin didn't know what her mother remembered or how much she remembered. Now her mother locked herself in the room alone. If anything happened, she didn't know. Anyin didn't dare to stimulate her any more. She sighed and walked away. She saw Aunt Wang standing nearby looking at her.

Aunt Wang looked at an Yin and at the closed door, but she didn't tell her doubts.

Stimulation Rong Zhen, an Yin in the heart also can't pass, also don't want to explain, only to Aunt Wang lightly nod a head, walked away.

Aunt Wang went to the door, listening to the room, listening to the low cry of Rong Zhen.

If there is a sound, if there is no movement inside, she will be more worried.

Anyin went to the door and saw Aunt Wang guarding the door of her mother's room. She felt sorry for what she had done, but let Aunt Wang worry about it.

Out of the door of the first floor, Rong Xun, who seldom comes back, is stepping up the steps.

The window of Rong Zhen's room is facing the courtyard. When Rongxun gets out of the car, she hears Rongzhen crying. When she comes to the door, she sees an Yin's gloomy face. She lowers her voice and asks, "what's the matter?"

Anyin told me about seeing a psychiatrist.

After hearing this, Rongxun guessed that anyin had stimulated her aunt, but she didn't know what method she used. She actually made her aunt cry, "what did you say?"

An Yin took a deep breath and repeated what she said to Rong Zhen.

"And then my aunt cried?"

"The evening Jin speech left, I said a few more, she just cried."

"And should she think of something?" An Yin said the situation of her mother in the face of the evening Jin.

"It seems to work." Rong Xun's first reaction, like an Yin, thought that Rong Zhen thought of something.

"I think so. However, she has some autistic reaction now, I dare not continue

"You're right. If it's not a memory, it's a good memory


"What are you going to do next?"

If Rong Zhen remembers something related to Mu Jin Yan and stimulates her with Mu Jin's words, it will not have a good effect in addition to forcing her to the extreme.

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