Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3297

"Come on." Qin Jian got up and pulled an Yin up, "don't stay here, go out for a walk."

Anyin didn't resist. With Qin Jian standing up, she left her mother's room with him and went to the balcony. The cold night wind blew on her face, and anyin felt more comfortable.

Looking down, I saw my mother and brother standing in a corner of the yard.

The elder brother didn't know what to say in a low voice. His mother stood in front of him and did not hum.

I don't know why. Anyin feels that her mother deliberately avoids her brother's eyes. She doesn't know if it's because of what she said.

"Why did you come with my brother?"

"I went out to do business with him today, and when it was done, I came along with him."

"How are things going?" An Yin's hand is held by Qin Jian's big hand. The warm feeling makes her disordered heart gradually calm down.

"It's a little bit rewarding, but it's not very effective." Qin Jian pursed his lips. He didn't know how much help he could get from the news.

"What gains?"

Qin Jian told the news he had got.

After hearing this, an Yin said, "did your brother read that person's appearance in the memory of pearl?"


"I'll try it, too." An Yinfan holds Qin Jian's hand, closes her eyes and stimulates her consciousness.

A face emerges.

An Yin suddenly opens her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Qin Jian looks different when he sees an Yin.

as like as two peas in the Qin Dynasty, Simon, who was seen in the Qin Dynasty, was dressed in costume. But apart from his clothes, both the appearance and the figure were exactly the same as those seen in Mengxi today.

"That man..."



"What's wrong with him?"

"I have seen him."

"Where is it?"

"He looks the same as Monty, the psychologist I took my mother to see today."

Qin Jian squinted.

Simon Mengxi

No mistake. It must be him.

Qin Jian looked at the evening Jin words downstairs and said to an Yin, "anyin, your mother's business is not urgent. Don't stimulate her today."


"You can spend more time with your mother tonight. I'll pick you up later."

Anyin knows that Qin Jian is going to find Simon. "I'll just stay here tonight. You don't have to pick me up."

"Yueyue miss you."

An Yin heart soft collapse down, "then you see how things are done, again. If it's too late, go back and have a rest early. I'll go to see him after work tomorrow. "


Qin Jian takes out his mobile phone and sends a short message to Mu Jin Yan.

The evening Jin speech looked at the text message, looked up at Qin Jian, lightly nodded his head, whispered and Rongzhen said something, Rong Zhen meekly placed the head, then walked back with the evening Jin speech.

Rong Zhen enters the room and sees an Yin. There is a complex look in her eyes. But at that moment, an Yin sees Qingming in her eyes, which is a long time lost Qingming. But it is only for a moment that the complex look turns into a trace of fear.

An Yin took a deep breath and went forward, "Mom, I'm sorry, I just said those words, the tone is too heavy..."

Rong Zhen looked at an Yin and didn't speak. She didn't smile like usual, but lowered her head.

An Yin has a feeling in her heart that she wants to break through the dike.

Mu Jin Yan looks at an Yin. An Yin and Mu Jin Yan's eyes are on each other. In Rong Zhen, they don't have more communication. They just say, "anyin, you accompany your wife."

When Rong Zhen heard the word "madam", she felt a twinkling of pain in her eyes.

"Good." An yinkan caught the abnormal look in her mother's eyes.

PS: good night, babies.

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