Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3299

"I want her to see the imperial edict..."

"I'll see you sooner or later."

No matter whether Zhaoyan is the person Rongzhen wants to be, the one who married Rongzhen and lived a life is Zhaoyan. They lived together and had two children.

Between Rongzhen and imperial edict, whether it's gratitude or resentment, it's not someone else who wants to cut it off.

An Yin is silent.

Rong Xun lowered his head and looked at an Yin for a while. "You look bad. Go upstairs and have a rest."

"Well." Anyin didn't refuse. She really needs to be quiet and calm down, calm down her mind and recover her mind.

Rongxun took an Yin's shoulder and took her upstairs.

Anyin turns to look at him. Rongxun is still in a stiff uniform, and there is one more star on his shoulder badge.

With her arms on her shoulders, she relaxed at will, but her figure was very straight and straight, and the brim of her hat was very low. She was wearing low heeled shoes, and she was only as tall as his shoulder. Looking up from below, he had deep eyes, straight nose and thin lips, which was very beautiful. However, the usual seriousness made his handsome face look very cold and hard.

"Your honor, promoted?"

Rong Xun picks eyebrow, how long did not listen to her call him chief officer adult, "small rise a bit."

I'm a general, but I'm still a little promoted?

An Yin rolled her eyes. "You have a big stomach."

Rongxun laughed, showing his neat and beautiful white teeth, "how do you want to celebrate for me?"

"How would you like to celebrate?" Anyin thought, this product is really impolite, but he took a team of people, in the past few years abroad, always stepped on the door of the devil, to fight for the honor with blood and sweat. Although he is young, he deserves it.

Rongxun's empty hand touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "how about you give me a table full of Manchu and Han?"

An Yin: "it's just

Rong Xun looked at an Yin's desire to bite him, and then he laughed happily, "to tease you, you really give me the whole Manchu and Han people to come out, and the old man has to cut me off and put on a hat of capitalist extravagance and waste."

In fact, anyin really wants to make him a delicious table to celebrate, but recently, no one else has seen him, so it is difficult to make a meal for him.

"You seldom go home recently."

"There's a lot on the team." Rongxun looked down at her quietly. With only one eye, he looked away. Even when there was nothing wrong with the team at night, he would not come back. It was not that he was unwilling to come back, but

"My grandfather has a crush on a girl and intends to let you see her in your spare time."

"The next time he tells you something like this, you can tell him that he won't have to worry about it."

"You can't be alone all the time."

"It's very good to serve the country with one mind and no worries."

"You are the only child of Rong family."

"To urge me to get married is better to urge my parents to pursue a second child. Come on, you're not doing your own business well. Why do you worry about me

“……” Anyin is speechless. Her uncle and aunt are over 50 years old and have a second child. Thanks to him, he can think of it.

Up the stairs, Rongxun let go of an Yin, went straight back to the room, closed the door, his face collapsed, and all the forced disapproval disappeared.


Rong Xun smiles bitterly.

In order to carry on the family line and get married, I can't be happy and hurt others.

I'll be alone in my life.

From time to time, it's good to see her and listen to her

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