Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3296

She wanted to calm her mother's voice

Evening Jin speech stretched out the hand is an Yin a drink stop, quickly look to an Yin, "an Yin, how to return a responsibility?"

The evening Jin words endure not to reach out to let Zhen take into the bosom, but look at Rong Zhen miserable white face, and then look to an Yin.

An Yin's character and character can't be said without a reason. There must be her reason for her doing so. He needs an explanation from an Yin.

Anyin did not immediately reply to Mu Jin's words, but was still staring at her mother, "everyone has to be responsible for what they have done, whether it's good or bad, how can you pretend to be stupid and act as if you haven't done anything?"

Evening Jin frowns.

The picture in Rong Zhen's mind is more and more clear. Walking towards the foot of the evening Jin's words, she can't step forward any more. She covers her face and runs by her side, crying and rushing out.

"Zhen Xiao." Aunt Wang tried to block Rong Zhen, but she was pushed away by Rong Zhen. Rong Zhen was very powerful. She failed to stop Rong Zhen, but she was pushed back away. Qin Jian helped Aunt Wang.

This meal time, Rong Zhen already ran past Aunt Wang.

"Madame." Mu Jin Yan doesn't know what an Yin is doing. Seeing Rong Zhen being greatly stimulated, she is afraid of something wrong with Rong Zhen. She looks at an Yin and chases after her.

Have evening Jin Yan chase out, an Yin don't have to worry about Rong Zhen will be dangerous, long spit a breath, leg a soft, sit down on the bench beside.

Qin Jian walks to an Yin, and the tall and straight figure stops in front of her.

Anyin looked up and looked at the man with concern, "how did you come?"

"Come to meet you." Qin Jian looked at the pain in an Yin's eyes. He squatted down and held an Yin's hand. He asked in a soft voice, "anyin, what's going on?"

An Yin told me about her visit to a psychologist today.

"So you want to stimulate her in this way?" After hearing this, Qin Jian understood the purpose of anyin.

An Yin nods.

Qin Jian frowned. "I often see all kinds of news that someone who lost his memory suddenly saw a similar scene that caused her to lose her memory, and then was stimulated to restore her memory. But will such stimulation be too small to restore her memory and make her more confused? "

"I've also thought about this problem, but her dependence on her brother is too much, which shows that he has a very important position in her mind, which may have some effect."

"You have a point. However, since it is to treat aunt Rong, you have to put your mind at a level. Don't take yourself too deep and feel sad. "

"Well, I know." Anyin said that she knew, but when she saw her mother's pain, she was really upset.

"She spent all those years looking for your father, and finally she went mad because she couldn't find her. If we want to stimulate her, why not let her see the imperial edict? "

"I've tried to draw a picture of Twilight before, but she just looked at it blankly and didn't react much. It seemed that she knew or didn't know each other. So I'm afraid she doesn't know who he is even if she sees him... "

If you don't even know who can do it, where can you get any stimulation.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Try again later." An Yin dark sighs, imperial edict that can't leave the hospital now.

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