Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3282

The imperial edict said that Simon looked respectful, "he told me that he was sick and uncomfortable. Let me go back first. After a few days when he is well, I will go to see him again. When he teaches me Kung Fu, I can go out if I learn kung fu well.

"you believe him when he says that?"

"Of course not."

"Don't you think he cheated you?"

"At that time, I didn't think he would cheat me. After listening to his words, I left, but later I found that he looked very ugly and seemed to be very ill. I was afraid that he would die, so I went to see him secretly. It turns out he's out of his senses. "

When anyin heard this, her heart suddenly tightened, "he didn't bite you?"

"No, he has no idea."

"What happened then?"

"I remember what others said, this man is a blood sucking demon, and he wants to drink human blood. But I always felt that he was not a bad man, so I cut his wrist and gave him some blood to drink. He woke up after drinking blood. When he woke up, he saw that he was drinking my blood and pushed me away. I fell on the ground, knocked on the back of the head and saw him rush out before I was in a coma. When I woke up, I saw him sitting next to me, dressing my wound. He said I was stupid. I said I wanted him to get better soon and tell me how to get out. So he took me as an apprentice and taught me a lot

"Did he tell you how to leave 404?"

"Yes, and I found the exit and left 404 as he said."

"What can I do?"

"I think you should know that 404 is from the outside world."

An Yin nods.

"404's structure is completely different from that of the earth, and 404 connects with the void outside the atmosphere, and the air and water in the void may produce what we call wormholes. If you go into the wormhole, you may go somewhere else. "

"But how to find the wormhole?"

"Wormholes can't be found, but they can be sucked into wormholes in some special ways."

An Yin understood, this is often mentioned in the novel through.

"How to suck it in, and get into the wormhole, how do you know where you're going? Is it where you want to go?"

To find Simon, you have to go to 404.

Last time, Gu Luan took her into 404. She was badly hurt. She could not ask Gu Luan again. She had to find another way to enter 404.

"If you enter the wormhole and where you will go at last, of course, you can't be sure, so there is a great risk. It's a great gamble. However, we can increase the probability of success through some special media. "


"It's the artifact that humans often say."

"So you left with artifact 404?"

"Not bad."

"What artifact?"

"Energy ball."

"Where is that energy ball?"

"404 underground palace."

"Underground palace? Didn't you bring it out? "

"The energy ball is not everyone can move, we just use the power of the energy ball."

When Zhao Yan said this, he felt bitter. At that time, in order to leave 404, he moved the energy ball, so that the seal of the underground palace was damaged, and Gu Luan, who was about to break the seal, was sealed again.

I'm afraid he can't let off the hatred of guluan.

But the debt we owe must be paid.

Even if it is broken into pieces, there is no way.

"What is the energy ball?" Anyin's intuition, you should be able to enter 404 through an energy ball.

"That starts with the origin of 404."

When anyin thinks of Qin Jian, who is a night wolf, she always thinks that Qin Jian and 404 are inextricably related.

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