Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3281

Zhao Yan was a little tired when she said this. Although an Yin wanted to know everything, she was a patient after all. As a doctor, she could not ignore the patient's physical condition. Seeing Zhao Yan's face was not very good, she asked, "would you like to have a rest?"


"You are still very weak after the operation. Don't force yourself."

"I'm fine." Although the first operation was successful, Zhao Yan didn't think that he was all right because of this. Moreover, the accident happened in a flash. Things are hard to predict. He should do what he can as soon as possible, because he doesn't know whether he will have a chance to do what he has not done today or after this moment.

"Say so."

"A few days later, the man who was bitten began to be irritable and crazy. He bit people and sucked blood."

It will spread.

An Yin thought of the last sudden outbreak of zombies, can it be related to this?

"And then?"

"They killed the maniac man and isolated all the people who had been bitten. They're going to let them out in a few days if they're OK

"But those people are crazy, aren't they?"

The imperial edict nodded, "a few days later, all the people who have been bitten have the same situation. Then, people realized the seriousness of the matter, and after killing all the people who had been bitten, they began to look for Simon. Simon was a learned man. Since he bit people, he has realized that it may be related to his being bitten by blood sucking bats. Then when he was chased and killed, he heard that the person who had been bitten by him was mad, and he affirmed his idea. He knew that he had become what Westerners call a vampire. "

"And then?"

"And then he went underground."

"Then what should he do if he wants to drink raw blood?"

"If you can't endure it, you will come out to capture the monster. However, he said that the blood of the monster is not good. Sometimes it can't be suppressed by sucking up a monster."

"How do you know him?"

"he is a 404 wanted man, and 404 of all races have eyeliner. He will be found soon after he comes out. When I was a child, my mother always forced me to learn a lot of things. I hated that. I always tried to sneak out to play. Once, when I was playing, I ran into him being chased and killed... "

"You saved him?"

"I think so."

"What is it?"

"He knows who I am, and that I often slip out to play, and he says to me that if I help him, he tells me a place where my mother can't find me. I was young at that time, and after hearing that, I hid him

"Can't find the place, is to suck your blood, let you disappear from the world, or tell you the method of 404?"

It is said that 404 people are inseparable from 404, but Zhao Yan and Hua Xiao have left.

Anyin didn't want to understand how Zhao Yan and Hua Xiao left 404. Could it have something to do with Simon?

"Simon did bite people, but it was unintentional. Of course he would not suck my blood and let me die."

"So he told you how to leave 404." An Yin stares at the imperial edict, a little nervous in her heart, and feels like something is ready to come out.

"I think so."

"Why is it?"

"Because at that time, after I helped him escape from his hiding place, he didn't immediately tell me the way to leave 404. Instead, he said that he had to be able to get out of 404, and now I know that the method can't go out."

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