Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3283

In addition, the snakehead came out of 404. I'm afraid we have to find the solution in 404.

And the energy ball in Zhao Yan's mouth seems to be the life-saving straw anyin wants to grasp.

The words of the imperial edict revealed 404's past in front of anyin.

404 wasn't called 404 before. It belonged to another planet.

According to the edict, they are all from that planet.

At that time, people on that planet didn't know that there were other planets, and they didn't know that there were people living on other planets like them.

So they didn't name their planet.

There, like the earth, is divided by families.

However, most of their territory is divided by race.

The werewolves are the most powerful race there.

And there, too, are the same people as here.

The fight for land, resources, race never stops.

But the power of the werewolves has never been replaced.

Until their planet collided with another.

The planet was smashed into pieces, and they all thought it was the end of the world.

Fortunately, the piece of debris they were in fell to the earth.

The arrival of other planets has caused the panic of earth people.

But soon, like the earth people, "human" soon merged with the earth people, and the werewolves became alien to their race.

The powerful werewolves are like a tiger falling into a pack of jackals in front of the terrible human beings.

No one can tolerate the existence of alien beings stronger than themselves. Human beings launched a devastating attack on the werewolves. The werewolves killed a lot of life in order to survive.

Originally, the werewolf clan has stood up here. Unfortunately, people's hearts have changed. Some of them have learned to be selfish and strive for power and profit.

Guluan became a sacrifice for power and profit.

They let a goblin who was proficient in different kinds of skills and took a group of people to build the underground palace secretly. They sealed guluan in the underground palace.

It took a lot of energy to build the underground palace, so they sent someone to steal the energy ball in charge of the successor.

Those people originally planned to seal guluan and take away the energy ball.

Unexpectedly, after sealing guluan, the energy ball can not be taken out.

Goblins are ordered to die. If they can't get the energy ball, they will die.

The goblin had no choice but to grab the energy ball. Unexpectedly, the energy ball failed to take out, but the ball was out of control. The pieces of the planet collapsed and were isolated from the outside world. The goblin was also sealed inside.

That goblin is Simon.

Later, people on earth called that place 404.

When anyin heard this, she understood why Simon wanted to go out and why she could find a way to leave 404.

And Simon has been living in 404, 404 changes in the eyes of nature than others more familiar with 404.

So the edict says that Simon may be able to solve the problem, but it is not impossible.

"When was the last time you saw Simon?"

"Three days before I left 404."

"Where can I find him?"

"Put your hand here."

Anyin didn't know what the imperial edict was going to do. She looked into the Zhao Yan's eyes.

Zhao Yan's eyes were as clear as the spring water, without any impurities, which made people feel suspicious of him, and all of them were defiled.

Anyin hesitates for a moment and reaches out.

Zhao Yan spread out his hand, covering an Yin's palm with his palm, "close your eyes."

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