Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3255

Anyin quickly picked up the sorted data, but Mingjie said: "the professor said to bring all the patient's roster and data examination results."

Anyin goes to the data cabinet, takes out a folder and follows Mingjie out of the office.

Instead of going to the conference room, Mingjie walks to the elevator.

An Yin followed: "isn't it a meeting?"

"Yes, but in our research center."


There are some special instruments in their research center, which are more accurate than those in the hospital, so anyin didn't think much about it.

Back to the conference room of the research center.

Unexpectedly, I found that there were no other doctors in the conference room except Xiang Shaolong, Qin Jian, Mu Jinyan and Rongxun.

An Yin immediately realized that this meeting was not a case consultation. She saluted Xiang Shaolong, took a look at Qin Jian and Rongxun, and sat at the bottom of the table.

As soon as he sat down, he saw all the people standing up and quickly followed him. Looking at the door, he saw the old man come in.

The old man glanced at the audience and said, "everyone is here. Let's get ready to start."

The adjutant and so on allowed the old man to enter the meeting room, backed out, and closed the door of the meeting room.

Anyin was the youngest, so she opened the record book and consciously acted as a recorder.

Looking at an Yin, he said, "there's only one thing I want to discuss with you today. Of course, it's just a proposal. It's not a formal meeting, so there's no need to record it."

Rong Laozi said it was not a serious meeting, but an Yin felt the seriousness of the matter.

If you say you don't need to record, it's very likely that you can't.

So he closed the notebook.

Mr. Rong went on to say, "today I gather you to set up a special investigation team. As for the investigation, it is estimated that apart from Mingjie, other people have a good idea of what to investigate, but what I want to say is the way of investigation. "

Except Mingjie, everyone else knows about the twilight base.

After listening to Mr. Rong's words, he thought about the case related to the base.

Rongxun puts a document in front of Mingjie, which is the case of the base.

That information is only a brief introduction of the case. Mingjie read it quickly, but it also makes his eyes wide with surprise.

He has been following Xiang Shaolong and has been in contact with the virus in the base, but he did not think that things were so terrible that he could not imagine.

Rong Laozi said: "in those days, the boss of the base also ran like Dushi Chang. After many years, the base revived. Such a thing, once is enough, we can't let it have a second time. So we have to dig out all the bases, one can't stay. However, the other side has done a very good job in defense. Each base is connected, but it is independent. It is not difficult to hide a few. So it's not easy to dig out all the bases. We've found everything we can find, but we can't think it's clean just because we can't find it. "

Mingjie asked, "what should we do?"

Rong Xun said, "the only clue we have now is people."

An Yin: "those patients?"

Rongxun nodded.

"But if you could ask, it would have been. And I'm not good at interrogation. " Mingjie doesn't understand what he can do here.

"You're right. If you can ask, you've already asked." Let the old man point out that Jie, "but now we need to dig out the part we can't ask."

PS: good night ~

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