Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3256

An Yin asked, "what do we need to do?"

Mr. Rong is the highest leader of the military. If he has no idea, he won't call them together.

"We need to use special methods that can't be known to others," Rong said

An Yin: "what method?"

Rong Laozi: "power."

As soon as he said this, an Yin, Qin Jian, Mu Jin Yan and Rong Xun looked at each other.

Does the old man want to hypnotize?

Speaking of hypnosis, there are four people in Jiarong who will be drunk.

But they all felt that Qianhua could not be useful if she was drunk with these people.

Because when they were interrogated, they had already used hypnosis. Although they didn't do it, they were also a hypnotist with super hypnosis.

Although the psychological defense of those people are very strong, hypnosis is not very good in their body, even if they can not find out anything, they will not feel nothing.

But after hypnotists hypnotized them, they found no trace of concealment.

That is to say, they are either psychologically good enough to break through, or they really know nothing about it.

In addition, there is another possibility that the memory is erased.

Judging from the current situation, even if qianhuazui has more powerful power, it may not be able to get what they want.

Let the old man look straight at an Yin, "an Yin, I want to borrow feng'er's ability."

Anyin understood immediately.

Feng'er's ability is to see the past and the future.

"Master, I would like to help, but this time, you may be disappointed. Feng'er's soul is hurt and she has been in a coma. "

Feng'er has been sleeping for several years without any sign of waking up. During this period of her deep sleep, she can not feel any past or future.

Let the old man look at an Yin, "so, we need to find a way to wake her up now."

"No way."

"No way."


Three voices were heard at the same time.

Qin Jian, Rongxun and Mu Jin agreed completely on this matter.

If you want to wake up feng'er's soul, you have to use some means to stimulate it. You don't know what will happen after your soul is stimulated.

It may wake up, but it may also hurt the soul again.

The consequences of being hurt again would be unthinkable.

The soul of feng'er is connected with that of anyin. If feng'er's soul goes wrong again, anyin will also have an accident.

If feng'er is scared out of her wits, then an Yin is over.

Although it is imperative to dig out all the bases, they can't agree to let anyin take risks.

Mr. Rong said, "I know what you are worried about. She is my granddaughter, and I will not let her risk her life for something uncertain."

An Yin calmly after the old man opened his mouth, but abnormal calm, "master, what can you do?"

Rong Laozi: "I want to move Feng's soul out."

An Yin is silent. She wanted to move feng'er out three years ago, but she never thought of it.

Mu Jin said: "Gu Luan said that feng'er supported an Yin's life and soul. It can't be separated easily, at least not now, unless you choose one."

Qin Jian and Rongxun didn't feel surprised when he said this, but Mingjie changed his face. "That's no good. If you choose an Yin, an Yin will not have the ability of feng'er. If you choose feng'er, an Yin will be..." I don't need to say what I said later, and we all understand it.

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