Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3254

The official family and the young master have always been a perfect match. Her younger sister is young and beautiful, with a good family background, and she is still a high-quality student. Qin Jian may not despise her sister.

Besides, if they don't, they won't lose anything. Because of the relationship between their sister and Qin's family, her husband is worried that he can't stand up in Seoul?

With such an idea, I had the courage to ask anyin about the relationship between anyin and Qin Jian. I didn't expect that such a situation would happen, which made him very dishonorable.

The head nurse walked by and saw that Dr. Jiang's face was very ugly. He asked, "Dr. Jiang, what's the matter?"

Doctor Jiang asked in a low voice, "anyin, what's your family background?"

The head nurse quickly put up a finger, pressed on the lip, "can't say."

"What can't be said?" Dr. Jiang was angry with anyin and Mingjie. He was angry when he saw the head nurse's enigmatic appearance.

The head nurse laughed and turned away.

Dr. Jiang snorted coldly, thinking, if you don't say it, I can't find out?

She took out her mobile phone and searched for anyin and Qin Jian.

Qin Jian is the successor of the Qin family. If there is a real engagement, there is no news.

Qin and Mu's marriage, those years did not hide from the public, quickly picked up the identity of an Yin, the daughter of the Mu family, the father's mother granddaughter.

Dr. Jiang's face changed.

That skinny goblin has such a big head.

Cut a picture of the news and send it to my sister. Postscript: my son is almost three years old. Don't daydream.

Mingjie enters the office, stands at the door and looks at an Yin for a while, then walks over, "anyin, Dr. Jiang is not from Seoul, but he has just transferred here Don't take her for granted. "

When Mingjie comes, anyin sees it, but doesn't want to talk.

Mingjie thinks that an Yin is angry, and sits down opposite her desk. "Qin Jian's family background is just like a demon. You should not have experienced these things now, can't you see them?"

Anyin said: "no, I can't look at it. I just feel uncomfortable when I think that someone wants to be a stepmother for my son."

After hearing this, Mingjie laughed, "stepmother? If they want to do it, they have to promise. "

Anyin also felt that she was mean and funny, and she couldn't help laughing. "Elder martial brother, when I came back, I felt like a dream. Everything was not true. I always worried about gain and loss."

Mingjie sighed, "it's all Africa's fault. You're also a doctor. You should know how to adjust your mind."


"If not, see a psychologist. By the way, I have a classmate, who is a student of psychology. He is not so good before. But a few years ago, suddenly enlightened, people's psychological touch a accurate, cure do not know how many people with mental disorders. In just a few years, he became an expert in the field of psychology. He now runs a psychotherapy center of his own. You can go and have a look if you need to. "

Mingjie finished, took a note on the table, took out a pen from his pocket, and quickly wrote down a phone number.

"Thank you." Anyin didn't expect to see a psychiatrist, but she thought of her mother's depression and was afraid that she would become that way. She took the note from Mingjie and put it into her pocket.

Mingjie receives a call from Xiang Shaolong, hangs up and gets up: "meeting, let's go."

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