Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3222

Mu Jin said that his heart was pounding wildly, and his brain turned thousands of turns. Could he read his mind? Or is there any special ability through him to see his past?

He can be drunk, can hypnotize, can eliminate other people's memory, and Zhao Yan is a member of the shadow clan, it is not impossible to have the special ability of the shadow clan.

"When you were born, your mother was very depressed and ignored you You cry when you are hungry. You don't feed you. You don't let Xia Xin touch you. You cry so tired that you fall asleep At that time, Xia Xin waited for your mother to fall asleep, and then she dared to take the milk to feed you quietly. You drank so much that your face turned red... "

The hand of evening Jin speech clenched into a fist instantly.

The other people present, hearing the words of the imperial edict, seemed to see the picture of a newly born child crying with hunger, but no one was in charge of it. Their hearts were all strained.

The imperial edict then said: "the children of other families are spoiled by adults, but you have not learned to speak, but you have learned to look at people's faces. Try to please your mother When I was three years old, I began to take care of your sick mother Later, with an Yin, you take care of your mother and your sister When you were six years old, your mother planned to tell him everything when she took you home. I saw your mother finally figured it out. She was very happy at that time. However, not a few days later, Dushi Chang gave me a video to watch, your mother became a vegetable. But he didn't mention you and an Yin. I thought you and an Yin were gone... "

"Don't say it again," she said

The imperial edict did not stop, and then he said, "I will see you again several years later. At that time, Dushi Chang called you into the room, and I knew you were Jianing. That's the perception of the filmmakers. Mu Shichang tries every means to test and abuse you. Once, Mu Shichang wanted people to hypnotize you and extort confessions, but your will was too firm. In order to destroy your will, they opened your knuckles one by one. You fainted in pain. I don't know how many times But in the end, they didn't see what they wanted to see... "

Let the old man and an Yin know that the evening Jin speech in the evening of the bitter, but did not expect that the evening Jin speech also experienced these, the face changed.

The evening Jin speech facial expression pale, low voice stops: "enough!"

Only he and Mu Shichang and his hypnotist knew about it. He never told others. How did Zhao Yan know?

The evening Jin speech took a deep breath, let oneself calm, "these, where did you hear?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

It's the pervert who recorded the video to show him?

Want to get his identity from the imperial edict?

But he couldn't try it out. How could he know the imperial edict that he had never met?

"How do you see it?"

"I used to stay behind that bar."

The evening Jin speech stupefied.

That time, when he searched Mu Shichang's bedroom, he always felt that someone was looking at him. The feeling seemed to come from the wine cabinet. He checked the wine cabinet and found nothing. He thought it was an illusion.

I didn't expect there was someone behind the bar.

"Jianing, anyin, I'm sorry, it's me who hurt you, mother and son."

Rong asked, "how did you get under the control of Dushi Chang?"

Shadow people are not weak enough to be controlled by humans.

When the matter comes to this point, there is no need to hide it from the imperial edict www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!