Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3223

The imperial edict said that he was banned by his mother Ji Yue, and Lu Bing was sentenced to start sealing.

Speaking of this, he looked at an Yin. He wanted his mother to know that he had an accident, but he didn't expect her to do something like that.

If he knew it would be like this, he would rather die than let Rong Zhen Huai go to peace.

The bloody past opened, and everyone was silent.

After a while, Rong Xun's mobile phone rings, breaking the silence.

Rong Xun looked at the phone call, picked up the phone, listened for a while, looked up at the imperial edict, and said, "I found it."

Anyin found her reason and looked at the imperial edict with a cold face, "do you know you have an operation tonight?"

"Yes." The imperial edict nodded.

"Then why are you running? Do you know how much trouble you have brought to others

"I'm sorry, but I have to."

"I don't care why you have to do this, but you have to go back to the hospital with me right now."

Xiang Shaolong issued a death order and asked her to take people back to the hospital in half an hour. It takes half an hour to get to the hospital from here.

Anyin doesn't have time for this person to do anything else.

The imperial edict said, "I want to see Rong Zhen."

An Yin: "this is not the time."

Mother spent 20 years, exhausted the mind, is to find this person, she can't make up her own mind to prevent them from meeting.

But her mother's condition was unstable and she had not yet found the opportunity to tell her what she knew in advance.

Mother for this man has become what she is now. She doesn't want her mother to get worse. She is not a normal person now. She can't use the perspective of a normal person to figure out her mind.

No one knows whether the appearance of the imperial edict will stimulate the mother to a greater extent, and let the imperial edict see her in such a rash way, if things go bad, the consequences will be unimaginable.

She can't take the risk.

Don't let the imperial edict see the mother, at least not now.

What's more, it's almost time for surgery and there's no time to do anything else.

"No way." An Yin refused, "you must go back to the hospital right now."

"There's something I have to tell your mother."

"Tell her what? Tell her that the man she has been looking for for for 20 years, even departing from her mother's home, is not the man she is looking for, and the husband she lives with is not the one in her heart at all, but the evil thing she hates to the bone? "

Zhao Yan's eyes flashed with pain, "that man has already..."

An Yin stopped his words, "so what? She's out of her mind. "

"It's because she's crazy that I want to see her more."

"Do you think that when you see her, she can hear what you say and get better?"

"How do you know she's going to be worse if you don't let me see her? Try it anyway. "

"You said it was a try. No one knows what the result will be. What if she is more stimulated and worse off? "

"Anyin, I know what you're worried about. But you can't stop doing it just because you're worried. It's like surgery. You know it's risky. Don't you do it the same way? It's all because of me that your mother became like this. So, let me meet her and talk to her. I'm going to have surgery. I know it's dangerous. When I get on the operating table, I may not be able to get down If you don't see her now, you may not have a chance. "

PS: good night.

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