Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3221

As long as the man doesn't show up, he doesn't have to worry about it.

However, an Yin's sentence "imperial edict has been found." He was stunned for a long time.

But unexpectedly, he died in a car accident, and his body was at that time.

The imperial edict pretends to be the "Twilight good", and the latter pretends to be the "Twilight good", which is really a mistake.

However, no matter how wrong, the result is that he and an Yin are the same father, Zhao Yan is also his own father.

This result, did not let him feel better, but let his heart more chaotic.

Mother thought that she was married to the old man from the beginning to the end. If she knew that she actually married an evil thing she hated deeply, she would not be able to accept it even if she was not crazy.

Zhao Yan turns around and stands up when an Yin and Mu Jin Yan enter the study. He sees an Yin's tight face and takes a breath. Without saying anything, he looks at Mu Jin Yan behind him.

On the evening Jin words to look at the eyes, eyes filled with a mixture of guilt heartache.

When Rong Xun closes his study, he turns to look at her.

The evening Jin speech tidied up the disordered heart, restored the usual calm, walked in the past, did not look at the imperial edict, but respectfully called out, "master."

Let the old man every time see the evening Jin speech have a kind of heartache feeling, "come to sit down."

Mu Jin Yan nodded her head and went to another sofa with an Yin. Rong Xun sat down behind the desk on one side.

Zhao Yan sat down, still looking at the evening Jin Yan.

Rong Laozi introduced: "you are an Yin rescued from the base, I do not need to introduce. This one... " Let the old man point to the evening Jin speech, "he is called the evening Jin speech."

Finish saying, point to Zhao Yan again, say to evening Jin: "you should know who he is."

When Mu Jin Yan looked at the imperial edict, she just lightly nodded her head, which was a greeting.

But the imperial edict said, "Jianing."

Evening Jin speech Leng for a moment, the other people present are also surprised to see to Zhao Yan.

The identity of Mu Jin Yan has not been disclosed to the public. They don't know how the imperial edict knows that Mu Jinyan is mu Jianing.

Evening Jin thin lips slowly close, staring at the imperial edict, frown.

The imperial edict said, "Jianing, I know that you have suffered a lot and suffered a lot from your childhood, even..."

Mu Jin said that in the past 20 years, every day he lived in hell, and his suffering was not clear.

However, he has been living like this, he has not cared about his suffering. Over time, those experiences that life is not like death have become scar after scar in his heart. If he doesn't touch it, he will not say it to others, and others will not mention it if they are afraid to touch him.

No matter before or after knowing that Zhao Yan was his father, he had all kinds of pictures of meeting Zhao Yan, but he didn't expect that the first sentence of Zhao Yan was such a sentence.

Tormented by all kinds of pain, the numb heart is filled with a touch of unspeakable pain.

But he has been used to silence, even if the heart has become a mess, but the face is still calm no expression, "but a little twists and turns of life, not bitter. My name is mu Jinyan, not mu Jianing. "

The imperial edict sighed, "Jianing I saw it all. "

"See? What do you see? "

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