Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3067

Anyin is so weak that he can't run away from these four legged armed forces.

Fortunately, she has been sucking ice silkworm for eight or nine months, and her magic power has been greatly improved.

Once the other party gets close, she rolls into the Bush, then steals away from those people and walks forward quietly. After leaving a certain distance, she shows up again and deliberately lets the other party find her.

The other party found her, and naturally continued to pursue.

Anyin didn't know that Qin Jian and his people also went up the mountain. They just wanted to lead them away from the cave entrance. The farther away, the better.

There is a place in front of her, just like a natural labyrinth. Last time she came out to collect herbs, she went there and walked for more than five hours before she came out.

As long as these people are introduced to that place, she will have enough time to kill six people at the foot of the mountain, and then go back to take aunt Yang and baby.

When she got to the place, anyin was dizzy, even standing with her legs shaking.

But she knew that if she didn't hold on, the two of them and aunt Yang would never see the sun again.

Anyin has a superman's memory. Although she spent five hours in it last time, once she found the exit, she knew how to get out.

When the pursuers entered the natural maze, they left the maze from the exit they found last time and rushed back.

She didn't expect that they were not only chasing soldiers, but also Jinpeng.


after searching for a while, Qin Jian suddenly smelled the bloody smell with sweet fragrance.

He followed the smell and saw a spot of blood on a leaf in the bush.

Qin Jian picked that leaf and smelled it.

It's an Yin.

Get up and move on.

At this time, Jin Peng's voice came from the walkie talkie, "brother, the other party's troops seem to be chasing people. It's like an Yin. We're also on the way. I've left a mark for you."

Qin Jian: "I know."

Qin Jian received the walkie talkie and immediately found the mark left by Jin Peng. Not far away, he found a bloodstain in the grass.

It was an Yin.

Qin Jian no longer hesitated and pursued.


anyin went back all the way, and did not meet the other party's person again. Seeing that she was approaching the entrance of the cave, she couldn't suppress her heart.

It was already dark, and the cave was dark. Anyin whispered, "aunt Yang."

There was no answer, only no sound.

It's too quiet. It's not normal.

Anyin fumbles forward. She trips over something and almost falls over.

She reached out and touched it. It was a corpse, a man's body. From them, we can see that it was from the armed forces.

Anyin's heart thump for a moment, dare not move.

Wait for a while, still can't hear any sound, thought, is it here was found, aunt Yang killed people and left?

Or did aunt Yang have an accident?

Anyin thought of this, flustered, and felt the flashlight from the corpse.

At the moment when the light is on, anyin is in a daze.

There are bodies in the cave, including armed forces, jackals and

A burst of blackness in front of an Yin's eyes, stumbled to Aunt Yang, looking at the wolf's bite had no human like, aunt Yang, in front of a black almost fainted.

Only when you have calmed down can we see things again.

"Aunt Yang." Tears welled up at once, "child..."

She looked quickly to the left and right. There was no child's body.

Even if they are eaten by jackals, there should be bones left, but there is no, nothing.

PS: there are too many acupuncture people today. I have been waiting for a long time. I came back too late, so it's even later!!

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