Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3066

Aunt Yang nodded.

Although Qin Jian is anxious to know the whereabouts of an Yin, aunt Yang's injury is too heavy. If she doesn't care, she will die at any time.

"Don't move. I'll try to bandage you first. We'll go out later. We have a doctor."

Aunt Yang shook her head, saying it was useless.

Her move, Qin Jian saw her neck artery was bitten, blood flow, heart down.

Take off your clothes at once and press the wound on her neck.

"No more." Aunt Yang knew she couldn't do it. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word. She took away her arm and showed her child who was closely protected.

When Qin Jian entered the cave, he saw aunt Yang's posture and her injuries, and knew that she was protecting her child with her own body.

Such a person, even if it is someone else, he can also play in the heart of admiration, not to mention aunt Yang's protection of his and an Yin's children, looking at Yang's more and more breath, the heart is not taste.

"What about anyin?"

Aunt Yang wants to tell Qin Jian that an Yin has gone out to attract the enemy and ask him to rescue her. However, she can't pronounce a syllable or even lift her hand. All she can do is to look at the mouth of the cave.

"She's out?" By this time, Qin Jian could probably guess the whole story.

Aunt Yang nodded her head and looked at the child in her arms. Her head was crooked and there was no response.

Qin Jian raised his hand to Aunt Yang's nose. He had no breath. His heart was astringent and blocked hard.

If he had found them earlier, she would not have died like this.

Qin Jian picked up the little baby from Aunt Yang's arms.

The little man looked at him with a pair of swollen eyes. He didn't know how to be afraid or cry. He even put out his small hand to touch his face.

Qin Jian grabs the baby's bloody hand and kisses it on his lips.

The child's hand was caught, and he pedaled his feet. Qin Jian saw the lucky bead tied to the child's ankle.

There is no doubt.

This is the son of him and an Yin.

Qin took a hard breath.

Now anyin's whereabouts are unknown. It's not a time to grieve.

Kiss son, soft voice way: "baby, we go to your mother."

He took off his camouflage clothes and wrapped the baby in his arms. He looked at the dead aunt Yang and said softly, "aunt Yang, I'll find an Yin and collect the corpse for you. I'll take you home."

Qin Jian pulled out a short knife and killed the jackals on the ground one by one, so that they would not eat aunt Yang's body when they woke up.

In order to avoid the smell of blood leading to jackals, a handful of insect repellent powder was found on the hunter and sprinkled on the mouth of the cave.

It was dark enough that the werewolf could see at night, but not as clearly as during the day.

The terrain of the mountain is complex. It's not easy to find someone. Besides, there are local troops who have not been killed. If an Yin is caught by them, it will be dangerous.

Qin Jian forced himself to calm down and look forward.


after anyin left the cave for a certain distance, she deliberately exposed herself.

When the armed forces saw an Yin, they immediately rushed after him.

More than half a year ago, one of their elite troops was completely destroyed, and they were furious. They ordered to find the female doctor and nurse at all costs. As long as they were killed, they would be a great achievement.

But less than half an hour after the mission, the leader changed his mind and wanted to live.

When they saw an Yin, they thought that a woman who had just given birth had half her life at most. It was not easy to catch her, so they did not shoot her.

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