Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3068

Anyin's brain is in a mess. She forces herself to calm down. The child is not here. She must have been taken away.

Looking at the body behind him.

They must have taken her children. There must have been others.

An Yin took out a dress in the trunk and put it on Aunt Yang. "Aunt Yang, I will come back to collect the corpse for you when I find the child."

Mountain cave, standing at the intersection, head more and more dizzy, looking around, do not know what to start from.

Will those people go into the mountains with their children, or will they go out?

At this time, I heard a sound of sobbing not far away.

Anyin is afraid of being the enemy, so she stealthily lurks past.

Out of the cave, she did not dare to open a flashlight, and the moon into the clouds, the valley is particularly dark.

Anyin didn't take a few steps. She tripped over something. When she got up with her hands on the ground, she found that she was holding down a human leg.

Just as the moon came out of the clouds, a piece of silver light was shining on the body in front of her. It was a female armed army, half of her face and neck had been bitten by wild animals.

An Yin remembers that there was a woman in those armed forces.

There are a large number of jackal bodies in the cave, and it is not surprising that some people were bitten to death at night.

Just want to leave, but see in front of two wild boars are eating something.

She is now in poor physical strength. She is afraid to disturb the wild boar. She is going to relax her steps and slowly retreat. Suddenly she sees a small arm.

The heart "clutters" for a moment, regardless of being found, turn on the flashlight, shine in the past.

At this sight, he almost went crazy. He held up a gun and swept around, killing the two wild boars. He rushed forward and pushed away the bodies of the two wild boars, revealing a baby who had been bitten beyond recognition. One hand and foot had been eaten.

An Yin had just given birth to a child, and was already very weak, but in order to survive, she forced her support.

Just saw the tragic death of aunt Yang, and then saw the baby was gnawed almost to the skeleton of the baby, the instant collapse, in front of a black faint in the past.

If it was not night, and if she had not seen aunt Yang, who had just been killed by a jackal, she would have found that the baby was not her child, but a dead baby born by a woman in the tribe two days ago.

There are women in the tribe who are responsible for delivery.

The child born to the village head's daughter-in-law two days ago was a dead baby.

In this backward tribe, there are still many feudal superstitions.

According to them, it is not lucky to give birth to a dead baby before the migration, so after the baby is born, it will be handled quietly.

The man in the village took the baby to a tree burial and prayed for forgiveness.

Unlucky children are born by women, and women are all sinners.

Women are not allowed to participate in all this.

Although anyin was a "witch", she was also a woman, so she was excluded.

Therefore, anyin has never seen a baby from the beginning to the end, and also does not know how the child is handled.

This area is located in the active zone of the earth's crust. Soon after the baby was sent away, there was an earthquake.

The magnitude of the earthquake was not large, but the houses of the tribe were all houses that could be demolished and were not solid, so some houses collapsed.

The tribal people think that God is punishing them, so the death of babies has become a taboo.

Therefore, an Yin did not think that the dead baby was sent to the mountain and tied to a tree for burial. What she saw was actually a dead baby arched down from the tree by a wild boar.

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