Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3065

Another team saw the alarm coming and fired at him.

Qin Jian can only avoid the bullet and solve the problem.

The two bounty hunters had seen Qin Jian's skill and speed of killing, and knew that they were not rivals at all. As soon as those people died, it would be their turn. They would not dare to fight, but they would run away. They just wanted to have more legs.

However, if they don't know where they're going to catch up with Qin's troops, they're going to catch up with them.

Can only continue to look for an Yin.

The two men sprayed medicine on their bodies to cover up the smell. They hid behind the trees and looked at Qin Jian walking away. They were relieved.

But the werewolf elite is here, and this place can't stay any longer.

Just how to escape, saw a group of wolves into a dry vine.

There is a way behind the withered vine.

They quietly sneak to the place where the vine is dead, pick up the vine, see the cave inside, and immediately drill in.

I didn't expect to come in, but saw that the pack of jackals was biting a woman.


The two men were afraid that the gunshot would draw the man in, and let the Jackal continue to bite the woman, ignoring.

Just then, they saw a pair of red and golden eyes under the woman's arm.

They haven't seen the mutant werewolf, but they've heard of it. Seeing these eyes, they suddenly understand why the werewolf is here.

If they get this child, they will have the glory and wealth of their life.

And if you can't run away, you can still use this child as a hostage.

More than a dozen jackals were not for fun. They did not dare to fight directly. They seized a handful of fans and scattered them in the past.

In the twinkling of an eye, the pack of jackals fell down one after another.

The two men with a sinister smile walked to Aunt Yang.


Qin Jian had just taken a few steps when a gust of wind was blowing. The wind was mixed with a faint smell of blood, and the smell of blood had a little familiar sweetness.


Qin Jian stops abruptly and runs straight along the bloody road.

Pick open the cave, Kuteng saw the woman who was bitten beyond recognition, the blood was all over the ground before, and the brain immediately "hummed" for a moment.

The bounty hunter felt someone behind him. He looked back and saw Qin Jian. His face changed at the same time. He immediately took off and jumped at Aunt Yang.

Only by catching the child first will they be able to survive.

But when they moved, Qin Jian was faster than them. He dodged to Aunt Yang, and the shadow of the knife passed by. The two hunters fell behind him. They were already out of breath, and several blood beads were slowly oozing from their necks.

The woman on the ground is completely different, but it can be distinguished from her face that it is not An'an voice.

Qin Jian breathed a sigh of relief. He squatted down and looked at the bloody woman in front of him. The woman held a baby tightly. The baby looked at him with big red and gold eyes.

A rush of heat surged up Qin Jian's chest and head.


His child!

But what about anyin?

Qin Jian looked around quickly.

There is no peace among the wolves of the land.

Qin Jian had to look at the woman on the ground. There was no good meat on the woman. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know where to start.

Soft voice: "don't be afraid, I will save you."

Aunt Yang looked straight at Qin Jian. She saw a picture of a man in front of her on an Yin's mobile phone. She struggled to open her mouth, "Qin Jian?"

She was found to have no voice.

Qin Jian understood her lip language, looked at the pair of baby's eyes which exposed under the arm of aunt Yang, and said, "I am Qin Jian, are you aunt Yang?"

He has been in Africa for several months, and Mu Jinyan has always been in contact with him. He knows that Mu Jinyan has sent someone to follow an Yin.

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